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Posts posted by zh3ntil

  1. Some possibilities for the situation that coming to my mind:

    1. Check the report datasource if it is correct or not?

    2. Be sure that after adding parameter, is your query generated as you want?

    3. If you create and use different dataset from the main dataset, are the parameters send to dataset in use? 

    4. If you are using different dataset from the main data set and parameters are send to dataset properly, Does your main dataset generate a result even if it is not in use? Because even main dataset is not used, it has to be generate at least a row. If it is the situation you can add 'SELECT 1 as TEMP' to your main dataset.

  2. For multi select report, using store procedure is little bit complicated comparing to single select. Because for multi select control, the parameter type should be a list or collection. If you send your list parameter to store procedure as $P{param},ıt sends something like 'USA','Germany','Brazil',... You should parse this string in the SP or use in SP like countryName IN(@param).

    You can add your parameter to report to see the output.


  3. Hi,

    Create a parameter with the exact same id with the input control by right clicking 'parameters' and 'create parameter' in outline window.  In input control, value column has to be set 'id' and visible column has to be set 'country'.

    After that, you should add the parameter to your query in dataset. For example,

    select * from Sales where countryid = $P{parameterName} 

  4. Hi Patricia,

    I still think that your parameter can't be filled which are used in subreport. Give default values to subreport table dataset parameters like "2013-01-01" and "2013-12-31". Run the report check if it is working or not. If It works, It shows that it is not about types, shows it is about empty parameter.


    If you can share full report jrxml, I can check the parameters are set correctly or not.

  5. Hi,

    Actually there is no option to reset variable in ireport. check your variable calculation type is "sum" or "None". if your calculation type is "None", variable behavior seems normal because I assume that you sum with a constant value. Set the calculation type "Sum" and Reser type "report", Go the textbox on the report that holds your variable. Set the avaluation time "Now".

  6. Hi,

    There is no proper way to do that but maybe a workaround works for it.

    Make the main report query same as the table query instead of making "select null as test". I know the report execution may be slower but by doing that you can get no data result when your table query returns no data. If you have more than one table with more than one dataset, try to make subreports for each table.

    to elemanite the performance issue maybe you can try to get just one column form query that you write for main report dataset. This query is just for knowing there is data or not.


  7. Hi,

    For passing parameter, you have to use "reportexecution" for link type.

    the atttributes you have to add,

    _report : (linked report path in repository)

    param1(parameter on the report you tried to execute) : $P{param1} (parameter on the main report)

    Take care..

  8. If you want to create a tree looking input control that's not possible without modifiyng jasperserver source codes I guess. But if a sql query flling your filter,It's simple to create cascading input controls.

    For example let's assume that we have two input control. First one is for "Product Class ID", and the second one is "product ID".

      -create two input control(Single Select Query) and two parameter. param1 (product_class_ID), param2 (product_ID)

      - First input control sql query is "select product_class_ID from product_table"

      - Second should be like " select product_ID from product_table where product_class_ID=$P{param1} "

    By doing that we achive to get product ID based on product_class_ID selection.

    That's what you want I guess :)

  9. You didn't pass the parameter the dataset which is fill your table. That's why it behaves anormal. your report response when you enter '2013' or '2015' because your main dataset return a result set. When you enter '2012' there is no record on main dataset, so report shows no record found.

    If your main dataset return no result, your report always shows no record.

    The best approach for this case:

       - If your main dataset doesn't fill a component on report. Just write something like 'select 1 as temp'. So your main dataset always returns something

       - Pass the parameter to table dataset. Click your table component, go to 'dataset' section. Hit the 'parameters' button. Match the main report parameter and table dataset parameter. Before do that, You should create a parameter in your table dataset.

        - for table dataset, write your query with paramater. You can use your main dataset query that you wrote in your question.

    I hope this will help your case...

  10. You should pass the main report parameter to subreport. You have defined the parameters on main report and subreport, but you have not map the main parametert o subreport parameter.

    Select the subreport and go to properties. In subreport section, go to "Parameters". Map the parameters and run the report.

  11. Thanks for reply hozowa. I am using HTML5 charts (highcharts) in studio. Actually I am trying to make the chart looks like a filter. Selected part color remains (maybe change label color also) and make the other parts colors little pale. With this span tags I manage to make same colors with data labels and point colors. So I try to add a condition but it didn't work. Actually, I don't want to use JFreeCharts instead of highcharts. Any suggestion?

  12. Hi everyone,

    I am using jaspersoft Studio 6.1.0. I have a report with a chart and chart has hyperlinks which calls report itself with some parameters.


    I need to change the clicked part's data label color and non-clicked part's saturation in the report according to parameter.



    I try to make it with changing data labels color by parameter but it didn't work.


    "<span style="color:" + $P{param1}=={point.name} ? red : {point.color} + ""><b>{point.name} </b></span></br><span style="color:{point.color}">{percentage:.2f}%</span>"

    My condition gives false all the time because I guess jasperserver replace the tagged part when svg renders the report html.

    Is there a way to make this?


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