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  1. Hmmm the code is in a private repo but I can try and post some relevant snippets
  2. I came across this same issue. The problem is that when using preauth token to authenticate, visualize.js doesn't pass along the timezone param.
  3. So I have been having trouble using the extended job search rest service. I have looked at the examples in the documentation like http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/jobs?example=%7b%22outputFormat%22%3a%22PDF%22%7d[/code]but it wasn't using the search parameters passed in via encoded json. I finally got something working using just the plain params like this http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/jobs?owner=joeuser%7cdummyorgv&reportUnitURI=%2FReports%2FFinance%2Freport_title[/code]but if anyone knows how to use json I'd love to get that working
  4. Yeah sure. So what I ended up getting working is using the apache packages for authentication, specifically: org.apache.http.HttpResponse;org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;[/code]Using those packages I did something like this: public String init(Integer userId) { server = cfg.getString("server"); String target = server + "/"; String token = reportAuthorizer.buildToken(userId); // builds my preauth token with user id String ret = "cookie"; URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(target).queryParam("pp", token).build().toUri(); HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet req = new HttpGet(uri); try { HttpResponse resp = client.execute(req); ret = resp.getHeaders("Set-Cookie")[0].getValue(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error with jasper cookie"); LOGGER.error(e.toString()); } return ret; //sessionid }[/code]
  5. This is an awesome and much needed movement for this product. It would be great if Studio and Server also were hosted on github.
  6. I also had to figure this out. So my default values for multiselect inputs look something like this: '(java.util.Collection)(Arrays.asList(1,2,3))' with java.util.Collection as the class and java.lang.Integer as the nested type. Those represent the pk for the field we're comparing to. Then when setting up the input in Jasper Server I'll add label and value so it shows the description but compares the ids. Hopefully this answers your question... If you question was how to use a query to set the default value of an input then I can't help because that is what I'm trying to figure out now
  7. I actually did end up getting a patch for this from support, although I know that doesn't help you much. Sorry!
  8. From your stack trace, it looks like your issue is similar to http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/851286/jasper-server-601-aws-ssl-errors-key-spec-not-recognised and http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/842421/cant-email-reports-jasper-server-aws It seems like the accepted solution to this is to switch JDKs. I've tried looking into this more and seen problems with ssl on openjdk1.7 and have tried adding bouncycastle as an external JCE security provider, with limited success... If anyone else has ideas how to fix this issue without switching to the oracle jdk or at least an explanation for why that seems to work I'd be super thankful
  9. I know that there is a rest endpoint, but I was hoping that, since visualize is already using the rest api pretty heavily, there would be a way to schedule reports without having to roll my own rest client. Its really a shame visualize isn't part of the community project, cause I can't put in a patch to it to simplify my code and potentially help people in the future.
  10. Is there a way to schedule a report job via visualize? If not is there any chance that will be a new feature in a future release?
  11. There are links to the trial pro version downloads on the bottom right of the downloads page http://community.jaspersoft.com/download
  12. Are you using the jasperserver-pro version or community edition? You can only use highcharts (the html 5 graphs) if you have the pro version.
  13. So there is one copy of it in /usrshare/jrs_dist/jasperreports-server-bin/buildomatic. I haven't found it in /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/jasperserver-pro yet but that doesn't mean its not there.
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