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Posts posted by AnnMary.Thomas

  1. I am using the latestJaspersoft 5.6.0 studio. I have reports with complex queries involving function calls joinswith + symbol etc.

    So when I am putting such queries in the query editor dialog it shows errors. The Language selected is SQL. I tried setting the language as PL/SQL also. But still it gives errors. Earlier I was working with ireport 4.0 and the queries used to work fine.

    Please give feedback

  2. You can use conditional styling.

    Add a new Style ,"rowStyle"  to the report

    Add conditional style to the style(rowStyle) that you created now .

    Give the appropriate condition for which the background color should change in the condition expression property. (For ex: $F{STATUS}.equals( "Completed" ) ). Add condition for each color required, like Status is "InProgres", "pending" etc

    Now set the BackColor of this style  to the appropriate color

    Now set the style "rowStyle" for the field for which the bg should change dynamically


  3. The height of the table should be the sum of  the height of the row and header.Go to Table and see the height of the data field(row) and the height of the header. Add this and set as the height for the table. The height of the band in which you are going to place this Table should be the same or greater(if it contains other elements) than the Table height

  4. I need to display he data in the following format



    My sql query is


    select year, data1, data2,data3 from table1. Year data1,data2,data3 are allseparate columns in the table. Cross tab does not help in this case

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