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Posts posted by AnnMary.Thomas

  1. So What I have understood is you will have a List (java.util.List) as a parameter. And in the report you have certain fields. If the report field values are there in the list the bg color of the field should change.

    For this,

    Decalre a Parameter as List of type java.util.List.

    Add Style and conditional style to this.

    Give the conditional expression as paramList.contains of F{fieldName}.

    If this is not your use case please reply. If this has helped you pls check this as Answer :)

  2. The blank space seen is the space available in the detail band after placing all the elements. Can you put your text field within a List.

    This List will have only that textfield. The height of the List should be same as text field height and give the text field property Stretch with Overflow

  3. Can anyone tell me the actual difference between .jrxml and .jasper files. I know when you compile the .jrxml file you get the .jasper file. But when I open the .jasper file in my Jasper soft studio its opening and I am able to modify the .jasper file just like a .jrxml file. So what does it mean by compiled form.

    Is this a feature in Jasper Soft Studio. Because in ireport if we try to open a .jasper file it would ask to conver it to a .jrxml file for editing



    In ireport the expression would be $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "subreport1.jasper" whereas in JasperSoftStudio the expression would be "subreport1.jasper". So in JasperSoftStudio it will search the subreport in the workspace itself. Please check this


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