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Posts posted by AnnMary.Thomas

  1. This is how I did in Java. Hope this helps        

       ByteArrayInputStream bs = new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()); // output refers to your Jasper report
                Document document = new Document();
                PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(document, output);

                PdfReader jasperReader; //Reader for Jasper Report

              PdfReader  nonJasperReader; // Reader for the Pdf to be attached (not .jasper file)
                jasperReader= new PdfReader(bs);
                attachmentReader = new PdfReader(params.get("att").toString());
                numberOfPages = jasperReader.getNumberOfPages();
                for (int page = 0; page < numberOfPages;) {
                    copy.addPage(copy.getImportedPage(jasperReader, ++page));
                numberOfPages = nonJasperReader.getNumberOfPages();
                for (int page = 0; page < numberOfPages;) {
                    copy.addPage(copy.getImportedPage(nonJasperReader, ++page));

  2. I have a frame with say 10 elements in it. The fram is at the bottom of the page. And this page is called as a subreport from a main page. On the report this fram is extended to 2 nd page. even though there are no contents displayed in the 2 nd page. That is the the frame which began on the bottom of the first page is extendd to the second page for no reason. How can i avoid this

    Jasper soft studio version - 5.6

  3. Check the type of the fileds in your report. Say if  your query is Select filed1,filed2 from table1 where field1 and field2 are of type boolean. Then the corresponding fileds in your report where you are dispaying or using in some calculation for other fileds, the type should be same

  4. That is because your detail Split type is set to Prevent. Try to set it stretch or null


    ** Pls use Add comment if you are replying to an answer other wise this will not be intimated to the person who answered and cannot give you further answers **


  5. select   fieldName   from   tableName    where     $X{IN,field2,parameter1}  where parameter1 is your List parameter, filed2 is the one for which you need to search in table.

    ex: select empname from empTable where $X{IN,empId,paramselectedEmpIds}. this is equivalent to

    select empname from empTable where empId in (100,101,102)

  6. So when you are putting this sub report on detail band, set the detail band's split type property to "Prevent". This would stop the split happening for the first time.


    If this helps please mark as answer or reply and we will look for other possibilities

  7. The scenario what I understod is th output should be like


    Title 1Title2













    Wy dont u place the Column name and tilte in Column header band. And in the detail band place List with Vertical Print.

  8. I still feel, you need to define only one Style say mainStyle and 50 conditions to this and in condition 1 you will have to write paramList.contains(field1). now set the bg color for that. then add Condition 2 and write paramList.contains(field2), set bg color for that and so on.

    Now in all the fields in the report set style as mainStyle. If my answer as helped you please vote :)

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