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Posts posted by richbl

  1. I can confirm this after upgrading from JRS 5.5 to JRS 5.6.

    To repro:

    1. From the home screen, select Create Domain.
    2. At the Add New Domain screen, choose a Save Location (e.g., /public/Samples/Domains).
    3. At the Add New Domain screen, select a Data Source (e.g., /public/Samples/Data_Sources/FoodmartDataSource).
    4. Select a schema (e.g., public)
    5. Select a table (e.g., public_account)
    6. Click the Display tab.
    7. From the Resources list, select a table (e.g., public_account), and move it to the Sets and Items list.
    8. At this point the OK button is enabled.
    9. Click the OK button and observe the errror noted by the original poster.

    Please let me know how to better debug this issue.


  2. Hello all,

    After updating JRS to 5.6, any attempt to save (submit) even an existing sample domain will fail with the following error message:

    An error occurred while validating the Domain. Examine input data and save again.

    Note that NO changes were made to the domain: I simply attempted to save (submit) that domain.

    To repro:

    1. In JRS, at the home screen, select View list from the Domains section
    2. Select any existing sample domain (e.g, Supermart Domain)
    3. Right click on that domain and select Edit
    4. On the Edit Domain screen, make no changes, and click the Submit button.
    5. Note the error message (noted above).

    Please advise on how to better debug this issue.


  3. Thanks for your response.


    Though I find it a bit unusual that a Text Label is constrained in this way, as it is not associated with any user input, hence neither a candidate for CSS nor SQL injection.


    My sense is that Text Labels might be getting included in the same security-based rules assessment that other input controls are. This might--perhaps--be done in error.


    Regardless, thanks again for your timely response.


  4. Hello All,


    I'm running Jaspersoft Studio 5.6, and am creating a HTML5 (highcharts) line chart. 


    I would like to create a set of horizontal plotbands in my chart, similar to the attached image.




    Using the highcharts API reference (http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts), I can generate a single plotband using the following syntax in the JRXML file:


    <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.plotBands.color">



    <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.plotBands.from">

    <hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(0)]]></hc:propertyExpression>


    <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.plotBands.to">

    <hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(50)]]></hc:propertyExpression>


    And as expected, this produces a single y-axis plotband from 0 to 50.


    My question is this: how can I generate an additional plotband in the same chart, say from 60 - 80?


    If I attempt to replicate the code above, it's simply reinterpreted as the same attributes, but with different (newer) values.


    The issue has to do with how to correctly interpret the JSON of the highcharts plotBands call. What I need to do is get the following JSON syntax into proper JRXML format:


    plotBands: [{

                    color: '#E3FFC5',

                    from: '0',

                    to: '50'

                }, {

                    color: '#E3FFC5',

                    from: '60',

                    to: '80'



    In this case, I want to create an array of object (and not an array of array which is often used). Something like java.util.Arrays.asList(
    1. ).


    Thanks much.

  5. Hello All,


    I'm running JRS 5.5, and if I attempt to insert a > (greater than) or < (less than) symbol into a Text Label while in Dashboard Designer, I receive the following error:


    Error Details

    An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. (5321)


    My question is this: how do I escape a > (greater than) or < (less than) symbol in a Text Label in JRS 5.5 Dashboard Designer? 


    Similarly, if I attempt to insert an ampersand (&) into a Text Label, the symbol is replaced with &. Subsequent edits to that same Text Label will continue to insert amp; indefinitely. So the initial & becomes &amp;amp;...


    Thanks much


  6. So it turns out that the answer was that the jrxml syntax expects a different syntax than is created if you simply enter an integer value. I'm not sure why some highchart values are accepted directly, while others are not... In any case...

    The expected syntax (view the source tab of the *.jrxml file):

    <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.tickInterval" value="10"/>[/code]

    This will fail (as you've indicated in the initial post).

    The proper syntax is as follows:

    <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.tickInterval"><hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(10)]]></hc:propertyExpression></hc:chartProperty>[/code]


  7. I can reproduce this condition pretty easily in Jaspersoft Studio 5.6 on both a Linux OS (Ubuntu 14.04) and Windows 8.1. 

    In either case, it appears impossible to set interval ticks for the y-axis through the Jaspersoft integration of the highcharts charts.

    Can anyone demonstrate the use of the yAxis.tickInterval property?




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