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Posts posted by richbl

  1. No official response. However, I did some research and it appears that dashboards are comprised of reports which are HighCharts objects. And because of this nesting, it's not possible to apply scaling to the child of an object (in general, it's generally considered bad design to draw into a hidden object in HTML/CSS).

    In our case, since our problem was redraw issues of nested reports in a dashboard (hence the desire to re-scale the dashboard and force a redraw), we decided to simply redraw the entire dashboard after it was displayed/resized.

    To put some visual context to the problem, see https://github.com/richbl/ng2-bootstrap-visualizejs, which was our use case for the problem. In the end, when the user tabs to a new dashboard, rather than attempting to rescale, we just redraw.



  2. Hello All,

    While the Visualize.js API permits the scaling of reports, the API does not appear to the use of the "scale:" attribute for dashboards.

    So my question is this: how to programmatically scale a dashboard renderered through Visualize.js?



  3. @dpetzold: Thanks for the suggestion to load a single dashboard on each tab select (options 1&2). That's our current solution, and can get rather tiresome to have to reload each resource because of a redraw issue. But it does work.

    As for option #3, this is not a good solution as you'll end up with scrollbars and flickering, and it requires a specific design that could take advantage of this approach.

    On your last comment, yes, that's really the issue: rendering into a div that isn't displayed, yet still render correctly. It may be possible to render into offscreen coordinates, but this is generally a frowned-upon practice.





  4. Hello All,

    I can't seem to find where grid size is managed for the Dashboard Designer in 6.2.x.

    It appears that the default grid size is quite coarse, at ~44x30 pixels. This does not give us the level of control to place reports accurately within the designer. So my question is:

    How do I change grid size in the Dashboard Designer?

    OR better still...

    How can I DISABLE snap-to-grid entirely?

    Thanks much.


  5. Hello All,

    I want to render several dashboards into separate tabs. Any two tabs are hidden at any time: the selected tab will show the current dashboard.

    Typically in Javascript, this is done by making a DIV (or SECTION) hidden until a button (or tab in this case) click from the user, then the appropriate DIV is set to visible.

    However, in a Jaspersoft Dashboard, each report element does not appear to render correctly. Rather, the containing report elements render into some minimum dimensions. So, when the dashboard is finally made visible, it is incorrectly rendered.

    Relatedly, this issue is also exercised when resizing a hidden DIV containing a dashboard: all containing report elements are reset to some minimum dimensions.

    Here's a simplified example of the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/richbl/5sobonv8/

    In this fiddle, the dashboard is initially rendered into a hidden DIV. Pressing the button displays that DIV. Note that the dashboard report elements are not properly dimensioned.

    Further note that by resizing the window, the containing dashboard reports correctly refresh and are now properly dimensioned.

    Any suggestions on how best to resolve this issue?



  6. Hello All,


    I have a question about input controls in JRS (specifically 6.1, but I don't my question is particularly version-specific).


    I'd like to present the user with a drop-list, the result of a query. So far, so good.


    Typically, the selection made by the user is passed out of the input control via something called the "value column."


    As an example, if I want to display a list of names to the user, I could generate a query that generated the following query results:


    LastName  FirstName  ID  XX

    ========  =========  ==  ==

    Adams, John, 123, ABC

    Lincoln, Abe, 345, CDE

    Washington, Geo, 567, EFG


    An input control can be created such that the "value column" is set to either ID or XX, while the visible columns can be set to Lastname and Firstname.


    So... here's my question:


    Is there a way to set the "value column" such that BOTH the ID and XX columns are set as values in the "value column"?


    To put it another way, when the user selects from the drop-list, there are TWO pieces of information that I want to gather, not just one (in this case both ID and the associated XX column values).


    Thanks much.



  7. For completeness:

    The solution is really outside of Jaspersoft in that SSL encryption to the database is managed through the connectionUrl string that JRS users access via Data Sources.

    The string to add is a permutation of ";encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true" (how you set these values will depend on the level of trust between JRS and the database).

    Hopefully this will help others out.



  8. Hello All,


    We're standing up Jasperreports Server (JRS) 6.1, using MS SQL Server as our database server.


    I'd like to configure the database connectors (data sources in JRS) to use SSL between JRS and the SQL databases, but I can't seem to find documentation in the Jaspersoft Docs library. The JRS data sources interface in the UI doesn't expose this, so I'm quite sure there are beans to configure somewhere.


    Can someone please point me in the right direction?


    Thanks much.



  9. @hozawa,

    Thanks. When you say the choice is mostly on whether I've made modifications, it would seem to me that these could be re-implemented in a fresh install, regardless. For example, I've made changes to various bean files too manage password regex, password expiry, etc. It seems that it would be reasonable to re-implement these post-install.

    If I were to ask my question differently... which is a safer or most trust-worthy upgrade solution, how would you answer this?

    Thanks again.


  10. Upgrade Options: Export/Import OR Upgrade OR Overlay?

    The header says it all. We have a production JRS running 5.6.1 and we'd like to migrate to 6.1. Reading through documentation, it appears I have three options:

    • Export from existing JRS instance and then import into new JRS 
    • Perform an "overlay upgrade." This is not familar to me (perhaps new for 6.x?)
    • Perform a more traditional upgrade

    My question is: what are the benefits/drawbacks of each of these?

    In the past we simply performed an export and then reimported into a new instance of JRS.

    Thanks for your insight.


  11. Hello All,


    I have a question about configuring and using visualize.js (under JRS 5.6.1).


    While I have no problem running a sample report on either jsfiddle.net (http://jsfiddle.net/kczksufL/8/) or running localhost (, I cannot seem to get the following to work across a LAN without generating an error:




        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

            <title> - demo - </title>



            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

              <script type="text/javascript">








                function (v){  

                   //render report from provided resource 

                v("#container").report(   {  



                   }   ); 

                //show error 

                function handleError(err)   {  





          <div id="container"></div>




    Depending on the browser, the error that's generated on the client side is as follows:


    • Chrome: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Fn' of undefined (xdm.remote.js:6)
    • Firefox: TypeError: c(...) is undefined (xdm.remote.js:6)
    • IE: Unable to get property 'Fn' of undefined or null reference

    The trace for this error appears to point to easyXDM, as indicated here:

    xdm.remote.js:5 13:52:52.204 [easyXDM.Rpc] [DEBUG] - constructor

    xdm.remote.js:5 13:52:52.206 [EasyXDM.{Private}] [DEBUG] - preparing transport stack

    xdm.remote.js:5 13:52:52.206 [EasyXDM.{Private}] [DEBUG] - using parameters from query

    xdm.remote.js:5 13:52:52.208 [easyXDM.stack.SameOriginTransport] [DEBUG] - constructor

    xdm.remote.js:5 13:52:52.208 [easyXDM.stack.QueueBehavior] [DEBUG] - constructor

    xdm.remote.js:5 13:52:52.210 [easyXDM.stack.RpcBehavior] [DEBUG] - init

    xdm.remote.js:5 13:52:52.211 [easyXDM.stack.SameOriginTransport] [DEBUG] - init

    Logs for both tomcat6 and jaspersoft don't provide any additional clues (not surprising, given that it appears that this issue is on the client side and not on the server side). 


    I'm at a loss, as straight HTML page rendering through the tomcat webserver runs with no problems. However, any attempt to run a JRS report through visualize.js libs will fail as indicated.


    My question is this:


    • My testing is currently within a LAN, so both of the Tomcat/JRS services and web clients are all running on the same subnet. Does this present any known issues (security or otherwise) that would cause the failure on the client side?

    If this shouldn't be an issue (and someone has managed to do what I've described successfully), are there any other approaches that might help drive a solution?


    Thanks much



  12. We've been seeing this same exception in JRS 5.6.0 from time to time. In our case, we are NOT using Google Maps in our dashboards, just Jaspersoft reports.

    Haven't yet been able to determine the exact cause.

    Has anyone identified a specific cause/fix for this issue?

  13. Thanks very much for your quick response.


    I had considered a master UNION of multiple SQL queries but there are numerous consequences with this approach:


    A. Subreports can contain [n] queries, so the approach to UNION is practically limited to only a very few aggregate queries. You can imagine if a user performed a UNION on 5+ queries, this could very quickly get burdensome (not to mention that a report that becomes a child of a parent report would have to be rewritten to account for this approach).


    B. As you might imagine, the UNION of discrete queries can (likely) result in heterogeneous resultsets: while one resultset might return three columns, another might return five columns. This ragged resultset would mean selective null column padding.


    C. Any chart or component dependent on the resulting query UNION must now filter for a specific resultset (e.g., select on specific rows/columns, work around null column padding, etc.).


    D. The value of the "dataset object" in JS Studio beyond the primary (main) dataset is put into question.


    E. At a more abstract level, performing a query UNION breaks the data encapsulation afforded dataset objects (see above).


    While I fully appreciate and understand the value of your response, I wonder if such a solution is worth the cost to implement.


    Can you confirm that JS reports don't natively provide a means for treating a report atomically as a single transaction, and that instead, transactions are managed only at the query level?


    Or, is there something perhaps at a lower level (read: not readily obvious within JS) that can be done to mitigate this issue?


    My concern at the highest level is that a JS user must assume at all times that the underlying database does not change when running a report containing >1 query.


    Else, they face the very real possibility that query results are not correlated, resulting in what might be considered to be a faulty report (rather, a successfully run report, but predicated on bad data).


    I'm quite sure I may be missing some big picture element.


    Thanks again for your insight and help in this matter.




  14. My own experience has shown that the query editor in JSS (5.5 and 5.6) has a tendency to show numerous false positive query errors. Sometimes even a space character can cause an error to fire.

    I'd recommend that you use a dedicated query tool such as Microsoft SQL Management Studio (Express version is a free download) or various online options. I've used these many times as a "tie breaker" to determine the legitimacy of JSS query errors. 

  15. Hello All,


    I have run into a repeatable NPE (null pointer exception) when attempting to publish a report with no datasource under JasperReports Server 5.6.


    To repro:


    1. From Jaspersoft Studio 5.6, create a simple report. Assign no datasource to that report.
    2. Save the report, and note the prompt to publish. Choose Yes (alternately, you can choose the Publish Report button in the main report window).
    3. In the "Report Publishing Wizard", identify the appropriate repository (JRS 5.6) and folder location (e.g., /Public/Reports).
    4. When prompted for datasource, select the "Don't use any Data Source" radio button.
    5. Choose Finish to publish.
    6. Note the Success! messagebox.

    Without making any changes to the report, follow the steps above (2 - 5). The action now forces an exception messagebox. Details of that exception are as follows:


    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.model.datasource.filter.DatasourcesAllFilter.isDatasource(DatasourcesAllFilter.java:54)

    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.wizard.resource.page.selector.SelectorDatasource.isDatasource(SelectorDatasource.java:114)

    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.Publish.publishResources(Publish.java:118)

    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.Publish.publish(Publish.java:47)

    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.wizard.Publish2ServerWizard$3.run(Publish2ServerWizard.java:277)

    at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:121)

    There are two temporary work-arounds:


    • For each publish activity, first delete the published report at the JRS and re-publish.


    • In the "Report Publishing Wizard", when prompted for datasource, instead of selecting the "Don't use any Data Source" radio button, select either of the remaining options and associate any datasource to the report.

    This has been repro'd under the following configurations (I suspect platforms are not a factor):


    • JasperReports Studio 5.6 running Windows 8.1 / JRS 5.6 running Windows 8.1
    • JasperReports Studio 5.6 running Windows 8.1 / JRS 5.6 running Ubuntu 14.04
    • JasperReports Studio 5.6 running Ubuntu 14.04 / JRS 5.6 running Ubuntu 14.04

    It's currently unclear if this NPE can be regressed to prior releases of either Jaspersoft product.


    It seems to me that the logic to process a report for publishing with no datasource when a pre-existing report exists on the JRS is suspect. 


    If there's more that I can do to help debug this issue, please let me know.


  16. Hello All,


    I have a question that relates to database transaction processing in JasperReports Server (5.6).


    • I have a report that contains three SQL queries (in this case MS SQL through JDBC): one master query and two chart queries. 
    • I want to make sure that all queries are operating against the same database instance. That is, if the database is getting updated at the moment that these three queries are getting made, I want to make sure there is consistency in the data across all queries. 

    My current understanding is that all queries are automatically wrapped in a database transaction (e.g., BEGIN TRAN | TRANSACTION). However, this could mean that, in the example above, the database could get updated at any point between the three discrete report queries.


    So, my question is this:


    How can I "wrap" my report--at the report level--in a database transaction such that there is data integrity between ALL queries at the report level?


    Thanks much,




  17. A quick edit to my above observation/workaround.


    It turns out that if you create a user in the root folder, that user does not get the "organization_1" assignment (read: member of group Organization). This lack of organization identity may be the cause for executing this issue, and explains why only some folks are exercising this condition.


    Simplifying: if your user is associated with an organization, this issue is not (or, does not appear to get) exercised.

  18. All,

    I have an answer of sorts... rather an observation that AT LEAST permits a short-term workaround (or a clue to a fix).

    From conversations with JS folks--and this is my subjective interpretation--this problem will happen when a user is NOT tagged with "organization_1." If you look in Manage/Users, you'll see a default set of users with this moniker. I don't know what this tag is or how it was created. And there's no way to edit this tag, or manage this tag for "real" users. I suspect that this tag was generated as a side effect of the multi-tenancy feature which is an optional purchase of the JRS Professional edition...

    In the short term, here's the work-around that appears to work for me:

    1. Log in as yourself (you will need ROLE-ADMINSTRATOR role set, as you'll need to log in through another user).
    2. Once logged in go to Manage/Users. You should see a handful of users with the mysterious "organization_1" tag (e.g., CaliforniaUser, demo, jasperadmin, and joeuser).
    3. Click on the jasperadmin user. Note the right panel displays user details.
    4. Click Login as User. In the upper right you'll see "[your username] as jasperadmin User" displayed.

    At this point, you SHOULD have the ability to create and edit Domains as expected.

    It's still unclear as to the implications of creating/editing/managing domains that have been created/edited by another user. So, caveat emptor.


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