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Michael Bielkiewicz

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Everything posted by Michael Bielkiewicz

  1. I believe the reason is that the default preAuth file you put into place references orgs and tries to sync orgs. Read the comments of the file as I believe there's a way to swap that out so it does not try to read orgs (which aren't allowed in community editions).
  2. Not trying to be crass, but use Jaspersoft Studio instead. We haven't supported iReports since 2015.
  3. If you could add the label values to your data, that would be easiest of course as you could select those values and just display them as you've experimented. But that's probably not possible. The only other way I know to do something like this is write a custom javascript formatter for your data labels. You can do this and even create a variable in the javascript to aid in printing the values you want...but it's not easy. And when you add javascript to HTML5 charts, you must enable the functions to work on the server by setting a property in jasperreports.properties. (see https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-functions-html5-charts-highcharts). Good luck. -Mike
  4. Your SQL is bad. The important line is: ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp with time zone <= integer You likely are passing perhaps a parameter with an incorrect type to your SQL statement - doublecheck all parameters in your SQL and ensure that their type as defined in the jrxml match the type as defined in the database. Good luck! -Mike
  5. I would look into your memory settings and ensure you're allocating enough. I would also make sure you are using G1GC for garbage collection. And with that many requests, I would look at your connection pools - you are likely hitting the limits which causes subsequent threads to "wait" for an open connection. These are all JVM settings - the latter is usually set in Tomcat.
  6. I would open a defect with our support team if you have support access. This sounds like a bug to me.
  7. That is not a simple request. We implement many SSO's the other direction (passing your authenticated credentials from a calling application TO Jaspersoft), but never have I done one the other way. To do this, you would have to customize the code to actually make the call to your application - that's the first step. This involves adding a button, link, etc to the application OR you could have a hyperlink in one of your reports. In that case, you would have to make sure to pass the credentials on the URL. That's one way. You could also customize our base code to send data to another application in certain cases. But again, this is a pretty complex request. I wish I could be more help!
  8. It depends on how you are building the report. I assume you can't use a table component which will essentially force column widths. You are probably correct about the data blowing out the cells. If you are using standard Text Fields, try messing with the TextAdjust property on the Text Field with some of the other options to see if that helps.
  9. Is this for studio-based reports or Ad Hoc? Adding Distinct is a good first step - indexing the tables that contain the filter values is another step/option. Unfortunately 7-8 million rows is a lot to traverse no matter what you do...but I'd try indexing.
  10. It might help to share the SQL statement that's causing the error. The answer provided above is correct - you can either disable validation altogether or enable it and update the regex shown to allow whatever your SQL is trying to call...
  11. Unfortunately, iReport has not been supported by us for about 7 years now therefore I don't know that you can download it from us. You can probably search the internet for an old version. We've replaced iReport with Jaspersoft Studio to do report development which you can download from our website and should be able to read/design reports from any prior version (there's a Compatibility Mode that can be set to ensure your reports work with older versions of our server software). I hope this helps.
  12. This is a tricky one - I haven't used a JRBeanCollectionDataSource in a long time, but I would check this StackOverflow question as it has a good, detailed description of proper usage. Your jrxml is different - I would try the suggestion in this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12209300/jrbeancollectiondatasource-how-to-show-data-from-the-java-util-list-from-javabe I wish I could be more help, but it's hard not seeing the full code you've written.
  13. When you say you used a Customizer class are you talking about a custom Java class? If so, did you create a JAR file with your custom class and upload that to your JasperReports Server's WEB-INF/lib directory?
  14. Not really. You can do this yourself by creating ANY Ad Hoc View and making sure to Save As Report somewhere to your server. Then, in Studio, navigate to that report in your Repository Explorer and double-click it to see the generated jrxml.
  15. Hmm. Interesting. Can you perhaps try to put the JAR file on your server in the WEB-INF/lib folder to see if the behavior improves (rather than attaching it to the report). This should, in theory, make the font available to all reports on your server.
  16. You would likely have to modify or extend the PDFExporter to add the logic you require.
  17. What version of JSS are you having this issue? It works fine for me in 8.0.2.
  18. This is a tough one. We do have audit capabilities which you possibly could utilize. If you enable auditing (be careful not to enable everything - be selective) for accessing a resource, this will write to audit tables. You could, in theory, write a trigger on the Jasper Database to check for entries on the audit tables that match your resource type (PDF) and the DB trigger could possibly perform the action you require. It's not straightforward, and you'll have to test for performance issues as the audit tables share the same DB as the rest of the Jasper Repo (until 8.x when we split the audit tables to their own DB). Good luck.
  19. I would also suggest changing the Garbage Collector to a better one: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/changing-garbage-collection-g1-tibco-jasperreports-server
  20. In theory, you can do this if you use our library within your application. You would make the calls to execute the jrxml (which is compiling it) and then generate the export (PDF) as well. Creating the jrxml is a bit trickier - you likely would have to write your own code to do that as I don't believe we have any API to generate jrxml files (way too many moving parts). Good luck.
  21. Do you see any other entries in your stacktrace? Sometimes the errors listed are red herrings and there may be more clues later on. I'm not seeing anything similar reported in our support site, so I'm not sure what this issue is, unfortunately. Anything unique with your setup - customizations that might be causing any issues?
  22. If you are talking about a Detail band, try setting the Split Type property of the band itself to "Prevent"
  23. I would check out conditional styles in Studio. You can add styles with conditions (which can be Java checks against fields such as your examples). Then, you simply set the Style property for the field you want dynamically displayed to the Style you created. More details here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-apply-conditional-formatting-your-text-fields
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