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  1. We have a report that was created with Jaspersoft Studio version 6.20.0.final using JasperReports Library version 6.20.0-2bc7ab61c56f459e8176eb05c7705e145cd400ad. When tested in our DEV environment, the report looked fine. The data is reported with columns and rows and lines around all the data like you would see in a table. When we moved the report, no changes to the code or anything, to our QA environment, we noticed the vertical lines were shifting. I believe it has to do with the data and how it's wrapping. How can we stop this from occurring? Is there some way to lock the location of the vertical lines so they won't shift from one environment to a different environment. Certainly don't want to see this occurring when the code gets moved to the PROD environment. Thank-you in advance for any assistance you can provide. Wanda
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