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Michael Bielkiewicz

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Posts posted by Michael Bielkiewicz

  1. The only band in Studio that "cycles" through different data (in the form of a result set from a SQL query) is the Detail band. If you want to show multiple rows of data in a Page Header, you will need to either have different, unique fields to show each "row" of data OR you will have to use another element such as a List or Subreport which will have it's own query to return all the data you want to display in your Page Header or Title. 

  2. There are a lot of possible options to adjust the legend settings. Generally, I recommend checking the Highcharts API (the underlying functionality of our HTML5 Charts) for details and fiddle samples; specifically for legends: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/legend

    I would look at itemWidth (https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/legend/itemwidth-80/) and see if adjusting that number helps out. If you get the behavior you want in the fiddle, simply transfer the exact property over to our Advanced Properties settings in the HTML5 Charts Properties. There are other settings that may affect the look and feel per your requirements.

    I hope this helps!

  3. Unfortunately, node-jasper is not a Jaspersoft-supplied/created project and we do not have any insight into it. Hopefully someone else in the Community has some knowledge on it, but we've checked internally and since we didn't produce it, we don't have any insight to how it works or what is causing your error.

  4. This is a tricky one and likely has something to do with Chromium not working/installed right. Please ensure you've got the proper version of Chromium installed per our install/platform support guides. In addition, another client had a similar issue and this was suggested:

    If version of google-chrome 111 then, the issue would be similar to this:https://forum.katalon.com/t/failed-connecting-to-ws-server/85323and we can try to set remote-allow-origins to * as follows:In WEB-INF/applicationContext.xmlAdd these 2 properties:<prop key="net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.page.isolate">true</prop><prop key="net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.argument.remote-allow-origins">*</prop>Add the above two below this line (about line 1041) :<prop key="net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.argument.enable-logging">stderr</prop>These changes require a restart of the JR server.Please give it a shot and post back results.

  5. Awesome! Yeah, I also had to accept the signed items thing when installing it. I think the JRE thing is interesting, but I'm glad it worked for you. I would maybe convert your response here to an actual answer so folks can see how you solved it. For what it's worth, I NEVER have really utilized our Studio plugin in Eclipse - as you may know, Jaspersoft Studio is BUILT on Eclipse...so I'm not sure what the purpose is, aside from just having all your code in the same place as Jasper report files, I suppose. Either way...good luck!

  6. I was able to install the plugin without issues, but of course my versions are slightly different. I'm using Eclipse 2022-09 (4.25.0) with the latest Studio (6.20.3). Is there any way you can try with more recent versions? As you may know, it doesn't really matter which version of Studio you use - it can publish to any version of JRS.

  7. I believe the issue you are facing is due to this step: 

    1. Data Source Expression set to the location of the server.csv ("C:\Users\jeroen_g\xxxxx\Assets_report\server.csv"

    What you need to do is ensure that your subreport is pointing to the correct data adapter (in Studio). You do not need to populate the Data Source Expression field in the main report unless you are passing data "thru" to the subreport.

  8. Hello! It works fine for me in my basic install of 8.1.1. I created a report with one text field in the title that evaluates that function "DAYSINMONTH(new java.util.Date(03/01/2023))" and when I preview in Studio, it outputs 31. I then published to my JRS 8.1.1 and it also outputs 31 as expected. How are you running it? It IS possible you are missing a jar - we use JODA to calculate most of our time-based built-in functions. Do you have the joda-time-2.2.jar and joda-convert-1.3.1.jar jars in your lib directory? Are you running with JRS or are you using the library directly? I would make sure you have those jars. Good luck!

  9. Unfortunately, there is no way to rotate an entire table. The only option I can think of would be to rotate the text within the table by allocating enough space in each column. You can rotate a Text Field by selecting the appropriate Rotate orientation in the Text Field Properties window.

    If your table occupies an entire page (or more), you could look into utilizing our Report Book feature and change the page orientation on the one(s) that contain the table you want to rotate, which would make them look rotated and print out as such. I hope this helps.

  10. iReport has not been developed or supported in quite some time. You can download Jaspersoft Studio, it's replacement, from our website and it should allow you to work with older JRXML files. There is a free and paid edition - both will allow for basic report development capabilities. With that said, I believe the basic instructions on connecting iReport to any JDBC capable database haven't changed:


    If the driver you need is not listed, you would likely have to install a new driver for Postgres 15...there may be old documentation online about that, but I haven't worked with iReport in many years. I hope this gets you started though.

  11. Scriptlets and Helper Classes are very similar in nature. Both are written in Java. Both are referenced directly in your jrxml report in Studio. Scriptlets contain predefined methods that execute at certain times during the report execution/fill process but can also include additional methods that can be referenced at any point in your report (like a helper class) and are attached to individual reports during the report design process. Helper classes are essentially user-built utility methods built in java, compiled to a JAR file and included on the server, making them available to all reports at all the times. This is a high level description.

  12. The community edition of Jaspersoft Studio is open source and I believe covered by the aforementioned license. It is a development tool used to create reports (underlying tech is basically XML, specifically JRXML for us) which can then be published to the JasperReports Server, which also has a community edition, to be displayed, manipulated, filtered, exported in a UI. 

  13. I think the cleanest way to do this would be to write a helper class (in Java) that puts a timer around the URL call and returns null if it takes too long, otherwise returns your image. I'm not sure it's possible directly in the expression editor as it will not evaluate the URL in the image field until the report is filled. Do you know how to create a helper class?

  14. Generally, yes, you can use any version of iReport/Jaspersoft Studio as they are mostly backwards compatible. If you are using a newer version of Jaspersoft Studio, there is a Compatibility Setting you can define in your properties which will tell the engine to compile against an older version (this is useful if the server you are deploying to is older than the version of Studio you are using). 

    Keep in mind that iReport hasn't been supported in many years now and we no longer develop or maintain it - I would encourage you to step up to Jaspersoft Studio when possible! Good luck!

  15. I'm not sure it's possible the way you described - Parameters in JRS are like variables in Java - they are defined at the beginning of report processing and Fields are not available until after the Report is processed and a result (from the dataset/query) is obtained. So you can't change the names of Parameters after it's run the report. However you CAN pass your Field values to a subreport AS a Parameter in that subreport. Wouldn't that accomplish what you want?

  16. I believe that in this case, the square brackets are indicating an array of values. So you are outputing an array (with just a single value in the array). If you treat it as an array in your TextField reference, you should be able to get individual elements. If you only expect one address ever, you can simply get the first element of the array and I think it will display as you desire.

  17. Unfortunately, I don't think a Scriptlet will work for you in this instance. I believe beforeReportInit is triggered just before the Report is initialized which happens after the query is executed. See https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/4551 for more details on the flow. Per that link, I think a custom SQL Executor is what you will need - then you can do whatever you want before our SQL is executed. I hope this helps.


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