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  1. Hi... Please correct me if I'm wrong.. Page X of Y tool represents -- (X is the current Page number Y is the total number of pages .)Example:Page 1 of 3 So ,here Total no of pages are 3 ..& the current page is 1. And $V{PAGE_NUMBER} gives only current page number...
  2. This will work for sure. new Date((new Date()).getTime()-24*60*60*1000).But If you want to subtract more days from current date then you should mention L(long) at last as given below. new Date((new Date()).getTime()-30*24*60*60*1000L).(gives past 30days date) Thanq nao921
  3. Hi Elena, http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/819343/comjaspersoftjasperserverapijsexception-error-filling-report-and above link is the correct one to solve ur issue.... Thanks
  4. File could not be loaded means something is wrong with jrxml file..I didn't have passed the parameter to subreport. Any how its working fine now.. Thank you
  5. No I have tried by keeping this expression "repo:/reports/subreports/report8_subreport1_jrxml" also... I got the same error like "/reports/Filename.jrxml" file could not be loaded. May I know the reason? Thank you
  6. Hi, Is there any possibility to add Datasource as parameter in jasperserver(for single report)? Thanks
  7. Hi Shetage. I'm very new to iReport tool.I'm using iReport 5.2.I didn't find the demo samples. I have downloaded from google.Now,I want to see "pdfEncrypt" report.But in iReport we are able to open only iReport files.Then how can I import those demo sample to my iReport. I am not getting.Please give me brief idea.Thanq
  8. Hi Joefer, I am also facing the same problem.Could you find it the solution for "configure XML Datasource in JasperServer" atlease now? I am using Jasperserver 5.2. If you know the solution Please share . Thank you
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