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  1. Changed Resolution from Fixed to Reopened Changed Status from Resolved to Confirmed still happens in Eclipse (Kepler) Preview with 6.1.0, but not with another Eclipse running with 5.5.1.final ... for us it's the usage of org.slf4j.Logger (having slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar and slf4j-simple-1.7.5.jar in the build path or having both removed - does not matter. where these are called by a custom scriptlet)running Eclipse with the eclipse.ini jvm option "-Dverbose:class" shows that the conflict may be related to this other loaded class (wherever it is loaded (maybe used by jasper preview editor itself): eclipse/plugins/org.slf4j.api_1.7.2.v20121108-1250.jar)I suppose Jasper uses SLF4J since v6 and does not isolate its class loading of report-specific classes/libs with a separate class loader from its own class versions (or the ones provided by the Eclipse installation) and thus such linkage errors (e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244482/how-to-deal-with-linkageerrors-in-java) may be caused.Exception details:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression for source text: $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.setTestRaw_LogOn_TstMsgOn(true, true)Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression for source text: $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.setTestRaw_LogOn_TstMsgOn(true, true)Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of java/net/FactoryURLClassLoader) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/slf4j/Logger"Posted this also here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/31719746/1915920
  2. see comment under question above ... this answer should just trigger possible subscribers if the comment above does not and sadly I can't retag it to v5.5.0
  3. it also does not work with the latest community edition v5.5.0 :-( we'll try with 5.6.0 as well more details in the original posting (sadly I can't edit my post above to add the info: on a save with the right capcha it says "your submission triggered the spam filter")
  4. Content-Type / Accept / MIME HTTP headers issue?JasperReports Server (5.2.0)running on Tomcat 7clients triedInternet Explorer (9.0.8112.16421 64bit (default below) and 11.0.9600.17105 64bit)Firefox 28.0Chrome (34.0.1847.131 m)If I navigate in the JasperReports Server Web GUI to my previously uploaded Inhaltsresource (content resource), a *.xlsx Excel document, it works well in Firefox and Chrome, by offering to save or open the file, but it fails in Internet Explorer, by displaying the files binary content in the tab :-( I did quite some research, but could not find a definitive cause, although some points may point at the cause: see more details in my original posting (preferably answering there, but I'll update findings in here as well)
  5. removed the original comment since it would be confusing now that this has been clarified in the accepted answer above (thanks anyways for one partial problem you mentioned!)
  6. removed the original comment since it would be confusing now that this has been clarified in the accepted answer above
  7. various solutions and obstacles can be found here: http://stackoverflow.com/q/22080406/1915920
  8. also added the result.html (little broken that's why also result.jpg added) to easily see what it outputs for me
  9. added test-report-ext.jrxml where I added some more aggregate fields, arranged it more userfriendly and color-marked corrent/incorrect values. green - correct (sql-generated) aggregated data blue - COUNT(ID) in the Summary Band is the only one that seems correct (in the Header Band its incorrect) red - wrong (Jasper-generated) aggregated data
  10. also posted the question here and will keep both up-to-date on important findings: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22080406/aggregate-functions-count-sum-broken-jaspersoft-studio-5-5-0-final-and
  11. All I actually like to have is a DISTINCT COUNT on a String column field, but it seems to me that all the aggregate functions behave as if they are simulating the "FIRST" functionality. I can't believe this is broken and it seems more likely I am missing something very strange here. (I am quite experienced already with JasperReports and worked with BIRT and other reporting frameworks before as well.) Looking at the docs I can't see where the problem should be: http://www.jasperassistant.com/docs/guide/ch06s08.html Finally I created the attached simple sample report based on the sample db and updated to the latest 5.5.1.final release without any progress. Please anybody tell me the secrets I am missing or to my big surprise assure it's a bug indeed http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/cry_smile.gif Thx Andreas http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif as you can see in the report there is just some page header and summary bands, containing the product id/name/cost labels, the name count, cost count, cost sum and all variations of name count increment types (report/column/page/none). the summary band holds the cost sum. the detail band contains just the details. But none of the aggregate functions shows aggregated data, but only the first(xxx) result it seems. (so strange anyways that the count(name) shows the first rows name instead of a number :-( ). http://community-static.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/questions/test-report-ext-result.jpg
  12. see also possiblity and details how to do it here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/20141363/1915920
  13. see my post here for various rather good solutions: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8172301/crosstab-sorting-in-jasperreports/21632977#21632977
  14. same here :-( ... I ... set up a datasource (works since imported from Studio, in this case pointing to the JR metadata db itself)referenced by a set up queryreferenced by some set up control elementto-be-referenced by some report as a selectable parameter, but crashes with the above error
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