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Everything posted by recepientisabsent

  1. Make .bat file and put something like this into it: set "JAVA_OPTS"="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m" catalina.bat start And then just execute your .bat file. Here you are! :)
  2. Hi, bijeff09, sounds like JVM of a tomcat server has not enough memory. Try to setup memory parameters for tomcat server from command line or a batch file, instead of gui. Maybe setup environment variable before running server will be good idea, like set "JAVA_OPTS"="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
  3. Ok. One time I have noticed that report was slowly generated for the first time but repeated generations was faster. And second I faced a problem with slow rendering of a report when it had element with position type=Fix relative to bottom, but it was a complex report.
  4. PDF generation is sensitive to fonts and encoding of characters. If encoding and/or fonts are wrong then strange characters in exported PDF document can occur, or it can be blank a whole.
  5. Sounds like you want to create custom component based on a standard text field. May be this will be helpful http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/introduction-custom-components-ireport-designer
  6. Try to use this way instead: JasperPrint jp2 = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(JRXmlLoader.load(is));
  7. Hi all! I have a report which was made in iReport 5.0.1. In summary section there is some text with parameters and datas from data source. I want that this text will be splitted in the middle when exporting to xls file. I use a pageBreak element for that but when report exported to xls there is one row with long height. When I go to preview printing in Excel there is not precisely splitting. I just need to split content in report in order that exported in xls document will be well formatted in the printing. Would you tell me where I'm wrong, what can I do? Thank you!
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