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Everything posted by nageshit2011

  1. Hi Mike, In jasperserver, there is way of auto login,u can pass parameters like, j_username=superuser&j_password=superuser.
  2. Hi, Can u please tell me anyone, how to add logo & date for jasperserver ad hoc view. After exporting the report from ad hoc view i want to maintain on which date the report has generated. So if possible i want to add date & logo as a header. Advance Thanks. VV Nagesh. email Id:nagesh.bodapati@enhancesys.com
  3. Hi Angus, I have same problem can please tell me. Now i am working in jasperserver 5.2 trail version.
  4. Hi Angus, I have same problem can please tell me. Now i am working in jasperserver 5.2 trail version.
  5. Hi your example i tried, its working fine in my local system. Now i have to do same configuration for my reports. So can u please tell me the procedure.
  6. Hi, I created two reports, ie. ParentReport,child Report Now i need to do drill down in the same page. So can u please guide me.
  7. Hi, Can u tell me anybody How to give indian currency in ad hoc view(Ex: 12,13,147.00)
  8. I have a report Pie Chart,and detailed view report. So i need to call above function i.e. replaceManyFrames(TargetReports,TargetParameterStrings,TargetFrames) So for TargetReports i gave -->"/public/Samples/Reports/test_detailed_view" TargetParameterString --> productName [this one i need to take dynamically]so i gave as $F{productName} TargetFrames ------> I dont know what i have to give. Can u please explain?
  9. I have a report Pie Chart,and detailed view report. So i need to call above function i.e. replaceManyFrames(TargetReports,TargetParameterStrings,TargetFrames) So for TargetReports i gave -->"/public/Samples/Reports/test_detailed_view" TargetParameterString --> productName [this one i need to take dynamically]so i gave as $F{productName} TargetFrames ------> I dont know what i have to give. Can u please explain?
  10. Hi, I am trying to create MongoDB ad hoc view in jasperserver 5.2. I created data source in "Data Sources" location . After that how to move forward i didn't understand. In reference document also i verified,but i didn't got any information. Only creation of datasource its there and they mentioned no need to create domain. Without domain, how to create ad hoc view. Advance thanks, VV Nagesh.
  11. Hi, I am trying to create MongoDB ad hoc view in jasperserver 5.2. I created data source in "Data Sources" location . After that how to move forward i didn't understand. In reference document also i verified,but i didn't got any information. Only creation of datasource its there and they mentioned no need to create domain. Without domain, how to create ad hoc view.Advance thanks, VV Nagesh.
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