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Everything posted by tollens

  1. IReports 0.1.4 In C:Program FilesiReportlib I replaced ojdbc14- with ojdbc5.jar Now the tool gives an error when trying to connect. CClassNotFoundError: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver Check your classpath! Anyone know how to fix it? On the system properties it shows the path including ojdbc5.jar
  2. I tried your solution, but it did not work. I am using iReport 0.4.1. The problem is that my static text is a full page and I don't have room to put the other half page of data before it. Also, I don't see a page break option in iReport 0.4.1. Thank you for the files. I will work them some more.
  3. When the combined length of the subreports exceed 1 page in length, jasper gives an out of memory error. The query returns 5 rows and each row is one page of data. I want to put a static page of data between each page. So I added it as a subrerport and run into the memory error. This happens because of the combined length of data page and the static page are greater than 1 page in length. I have verified this by calling just two static sub reports and changing the page length of each. Does anyone know a way around this problem?
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