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  1. Hello Infrocio! It can be because of several things Like: 1. as mentioned by ernst_2 that is your JDK must be below 1.8, go install JDK 1.7 and set its Environment Variables. 2. Second I report can give errors sometimes, if not Run As Administrator. Hope it will work for you...
  2. Thank You Hozawa for your quick reply, I Solved the problem, it was the compatibility issue.
  3. Hello! I have reports that are made in Jasper Studio and have extention .jasper and .jrxml, I want to convert these reports to .rdlc files so i can use them in Windows platform. Please, tell me if there is any way i can convert them from .jasper/.jrxml to RDLC Reports. Thank You, Zain Ul Abadeen Butt.
  4. Hello! I have couple of reports with .jasper extention and i want to khow that by using which JasperStudio version were they made? As i am having problem editing them and using them again, so if any one can tell me, how to find out that which Version was used to make those reports. Thank You !!
  5. Hello! I am new to Jasper Reports and working on a project having .jasper reports in it. The problem is WhenEver i Edit the Report again try to run it after compiling and putting it into my project, it gives a NullPointerException and Errors at fillig the Report. The Error comes even if i edit a static text and change the text in it. Any Clues that what may be the problem? i had decompiled it into Jrxml and Edited and then compiled it into .jasper file, All the time the same problem is Occuring. i am using TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio-6.1.0.final and i Dont Know at what version the Reports are Already Made. I even used iReport for it but same problem. Will be really thankful if anyone can help. Thank You
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