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Everything posted by mannaii.amira

  1. Hi all I have a report , the problem is when the content surpasses the page , an additional page is added to hold the exeeded content. so how to prevent this so no page will be added Thank you in advance
  2. I need to remove report pages when it contains nothing. I have a page that contains blanks, so I want to remove it. I tried everything but the problem persists. I tried this code: private void removeBlankPage(List<JRPrintPage> pages) { for (Iterator<JRPrintPage> i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { JRPrintPage page = i.next(); if (page.getElements().size() == 0) i.remove(); }}[/code]But it never reaches the if (page.getElements().size() == 0)because the element exists and it's blank.(size always!=0) Now I'm trying to write a Print When Expression attribute, so I want to retrieve the preceding text if it's a blank then I'm sure that the page is all blank and in this case I don't print the blank text. So the blank pages disappears But I can't retrieve the preceding text. So what do you suggest?
  3. Hi guys , related to your post i want to generate .fo from jasperreport , and by this way it will be easy to convert it to any other format like pdf , xml , ps ... Any one worked on it or can give me a starting point .
  4. Hi i need to convert generated report into PCL5 format , so is there a way to do i. if there's not a way with jasperreport ,what is the best way to convert pdf to pcl format? any help will be appreciated
  5. up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm new to iReport (I'm using the 5.1.0 version ). I'm trying to add a subreport to an existing parent report but when i preview it displays Null in the subreport fields. Here's my Datasource Expression : ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("//idProjet") Here's the parent report XML: name="SUBREPORT_DIR" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false"> "C:\Users\Amira\" language="xPath"> /projetData/projet name="nomProjet" class="java.lang.String"> nomProjet splitType="Stretch"/> height="79" splitType="Stretch"/> height="35" splitType="Stretch"/> splitType="Stretch"/> height="338" splitType="Stretch"> uuid="91594abb-0277-4441-b9dc-f6cd39cec90b" x="0" y="0" width="555" height="338"/> ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("//idProjet") $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "report1_subreport1.jasper" height="45" splitType="Stretch"/> height="54" splitType="Stretch"/> height="42" splitType="Stretch"/>[/code] Here's the subreport XML: language="xPath"> /projetData/projet name="idProjet" class="java.lang.String"> idProjet name="nomProjet" class="java.lang.String"> nomProjet splitType="Stretch"/> height="61" splitType="Stretch"> uuid="5e05731c-782d-4bd8-8832-dbd5811bf78d" x="143" y="41" width="100" height="20"/> idProjet height="87" splitType="Stretch"> uuid="099b70b0-6f52-4a95-843c-636c3645a319" x="143" y="0" width="84" height="18"/> $F{idProjet} [/code]
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