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Everything posted by pravemp

  1. For reports created through domain->adhoc views, can you please tell how to pass the parameters in the url to assign values to input controls of the adhoc view. Example - if i have a date field. i will right click and select 'create filter' which provides two textboxes for dates. Problem is finding the id for these textboxes.
  2. Hey, I have a similar problem. please try and help if any of you can. i have embedded few reports to make a dashboard.These reports are created via domain and hence im able to see the multiple input control 'report_date' which works fine for all the reports. But i added another report, designed through ireport designer, with two parameters 'from' and 'to' in to the dashboard. As expected, it appears under single input control, which works only for that report. Is there any way i can have the parameters under 'Multiple Input Control' to work for all the reports including the one created through ireport designer??
  3. Hi, Problem Facing - I have used a map component in ireport designer. The marker seem to work fine with ireport internal preview but only one marker( which is the first longitude and latitude expression in the subdataset) is seen when deployed in jasperserver. Please help me if anybody has come across this problem or will be able to provide a solution. I have attached a document containing the jrxml for reference. Thanks & Regards, Praveen
  4. Hi, i'm not able to use parameters in the derived table query. Want to know if it is not possible to create a parameterized query or if yes, then a way to do it.Please Help me in this regard. I have a domain which has few derived tables. Using ireport designer i could not limit the rows of the table (Using $V{REPORT_COUNT}). The reason is very simple, in theAdhocview ,i have used 'group by' and hence the $V{Report_Count} is nonsequential. for example :- 2,4,5,7. so any help in this regard would be appreciated.
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