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Posts posted by jkeri

  1. this is the parameter in XML

    <parameter name="FROMMATERIAL" class="java.lang.String"/>


    My default value to appear is 'XX' which the user can select or change the value. But Im getting an error:

    'Invalid content was found starting with element 'defaultValueExpression'



  2. i want to create an input control that shows a default value. The user can change the value if they wish.




    I am not sure how to set up the input control.    I created TYPE: SINGLE VALUE and added the default value to the PATTERN. but it doesnt seem to work when the uses enters a value.

  3. Jasper version 6.3


    I have two parameters:   Single select for COUNTRY. depending on which COUNTRY, my cascading input control displays a list of STATES. User can select one or multi STATES.

    In the report query i have a WHERE CONDITION     $X{IN,table_field,STATES}

    STATES is definied as a java.util.ArrayList.


    PROBLEM.   The SQL WHERE condition doesnot work. It looks like STATES contains null even though I selected multi from the dropdown.



  4. My user has to enter single or multiple values for a paramater. WHen I try to create the input control, I do not see an option under 'TYPE"  similar to 'SINGLE VALUE' to allow multiple values.

    There is no list of values not SQL equery required.  All the user has to do is to enter one or more values for the parameter.


    What would i select for the TYPE when creating the input control?

  5. We created a jasperreport using Jaspersoft Studio 6.3.0...        We want to deploy our report to our users. What tools are beign used to launch the reports?      We want to launch each report from a GUI via its own button which will fire up the reports input controls and then launch the report.        All our reports are beign re-written from Oracle forms so we haev tp have some sort of a launch pad.



  6. I have a barchart and the vertical lines are too thin. I need to increase the width. My understanding that in order to do this i need to create a barchart customerize class.   an someone tell me how to create one and when it is to be stored and how do i invoke for this report?

  7. I have a report that has a cross tab and a chart in the summary band.  The cross tab uses the main dataset and the chart has its own dataset. both crosstab and chart have a common parameter.

    The cross tab queries using the paramter, but the chart which uses its ownd dataset doesnt seem to get the paramter value passed to it.

  8. I have a crosstab that has daily totals for each sale_type and a final total for each sale_type for each city.

    CITY        DATE                                    SALE1     SALE2            SALE3

    Boston    01/01/17                                 11.11            0.00              22.22

                    01/02/17                                 44.44           88.88            77.77

    Portland   01/01/17                                 10.00          70.00            90.00

    What I want to do is to put the city totals  (Boston SALE1 55.55, SALE2 88.88, SALE3 99.99   & Portland   SALE1 10.00 SALE2 70, SALE3 90.00)  into a bar chat

    I dont know what values to use for VALUE, LABEL, CATEGORY or SERIES nor am I sure what bar chart style to use.


  9. I have an input control which uses an ID called SITES and is a MULTI-SELECT QUERY for one of my reports.    I need to create another input control for an ID called SITES which is a SINGLE SELECT QUERY.

    Jasper report uses $X{IN,fileda,SITES) allows multi select. The other report is 'WHERE $P{SITES}= fieldb' which allows for single select.

    Question: Can i use the same ID  (SITES) in two different input controls?    Beacuse when i try to create my single select query input control i get an error that 'the resource with the same id already exists'.

  10. I disagree with your answer. it is better to use SQL BETWEEN as in this case:   and pay.payment_date between $P{DATEFROM} and $P{DATETO}


    But that is not my original question. I was asking during the publishing step, do I need to do anything to the date parameter to  pop up or is that done at the time input controls are created?

  11. I have a Jasper report with 3 paramaters. I have started to publish it  and was able to create a SQL for one of the parameters but I dont know how to handle the other parameters that are date ranges (DATEFROM and DATETO).

    what needs to be done for the date parameters?

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