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H Mendoza

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Posts posted by H Mendoza

  1. Go to Dashboard Designer.  Under Options > Guide, you have these options:

    1280 x 1024, 1280 x 768, 1152 x 864, 1024 x 768, 800 x 600

    This is it for options via the interface.  Switch to Proportional Size once you complete the Dashboard; it should help.  If this is not sufficient, you could maybe inject custom JavaScript into your environment.  Go to your Webapp and look for ...apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-prooptimized-scripts.  You'd have to write your own code, but this is worth considering.

    Note:  The Dashboard designer in 6.x is new, a re-write.  If you upgrade and migrate your 5.6 Dashboards, you won't be able to edit them in the new Dashboard designer.  The legacy designer remains available in 6.0. 




  2. The font is probably not on the Server where you are running the report.  There is a section on handling fonts in the user documentation for Studio.  You may beed a font jar, which is loaded to the server.  Your report runs with the correct font in development because the font is likely on your laptop or desktop.

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