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Posts posted by sjoerd.jump

  1. Im going to give a very short answer because I'm doing other stuff, see if you can follow it trough. If not, please let me know here and I'll type some longer answer :)


    Scedule a job for your report and write down the JobID. Make sure it's sceduled somewhere in the distant future.

    Install Jaspersoft ETL and create a new job.
    In this job, add a tREST element

    Your tREST element sends a call to your jasperserver to execute a certain JOB id

    My code for the tREST is:


    The body element has.



    HExport the tREST project, extract the zip, find the BATCH file and add that location to your own BATCHFILE.

  2. At a first glance this looks like a path issue


    Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Resource not found at : ////reports////subreports////report8_subreport1.jrxml[/code]

    I'd say, check your path. 

    I encounterd a similair issue when running a report with subreports in iReport Designer while the report was on the Jasperserver (imported via the repositorybroweser)

    Later i figured i only could preview the report through the Japserserver.

  3. Right now I use a workaround

    have added a variable to my report that calculates an average availablity over the 2 systems.
    In the crosstab i have added a new measure with my new variable as expression, set to average again.

    This is now an "average average" just what i was looking for.

  4. Hi d.kanhar

    Yes you can. You have to add the new database as an datasource in iReport to be able to work with it.

    This is how I work with my data.

    I have created a database in Postgresql, created the tables and such, loaded it with some test-data.
    Made the connection in iReport to the database and correct table.
    Created my report based on the test-data
    Set up jaspersoft ETL to load data to my database
    Set up jaspersoft Server to  send me a report on a daily basis based on the data loaded by Jaspersoft ETL.

    easy does it ;)

  5. Hi Guys (and girls) 
    Im struggling with the following problem in iReport:
    I have a crosstab with uptimes for  2 systems. (the top 2 rows) over the past month.
    Now 1 system went down somewhere during the month (decreasing uptime percentage) and our supplier made arrangements to have the problem fixed. This would take some days to fix so we agree to _not count_ the system availability (does this make sense?)
    After evaluating the availability KPI I run into a disagreement with my supplier. Jasperreport says the Availability is 98.61% but Excel thinks it's 98.72%
    This is caused by Jaspersoft calculating the Average based on ALL the cells in the first 2 rows where Excel calculates it based on the AVERAGES per day.
    Is there any way to change the calculation inside Jasperreport from cell to average per day?







    757575     96,95


  6. thanks, thats it indeed :)

    The problem was that i tried to send the parameter to a crosstab and had to add the parameter to the list of the crosstab.


    Do you happen to know how to export the entire report including sub-datasets to jasperserver?

  7. Solved it: 

    I was using a crosstab and never thought of passing the Parameter to the crosstab!
    So, in crosstab data, go to Parameters. Add parameter with the value of the parameter you have set up in the main report.

  8. hmm, thats not working.


    Have tried to shorten the query (since im only intresed in a month) to


    where $P!{parameter1} = extract (month from datum)


    If I subsitute $P(parameter1) for '5' than i see the data in my table im looking for.


    I have set parameter1 to java.lang.double since thats the format of an extracted part of a timestamp.

  9. Hello, I have a question about paramaters:

    What i want to do is extract the MONTH from a date. and use this in a query.

    So far I did the following:

    Creacte parameter1
    Set -> java.util.date

    In query: 

    select datefrom tablewhere extract(year from date) = extract(year from current_date) and extract(month from date) = extract(month from $P{parameter1})[/code]
    Date in my databse is formatted as yyy-MM-dd
    What am i doing wrong? Can someone help?
  10. Hey Guys, i have a question about importing more than 1 row per XML field.

    Im trying to import an XML file into a PostgresQL datbase.

    For the life of me, i cant figure it out. Jasper ETL seems to only extract 1 row per field.

    For instance; 



    [ROW 1]
    [ROW 2]

      [/FIELD 1.1]


    [ROW 1]
    [ROW 2]

      [/FIELD 1.2]


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