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Everything posted by sjoerd.jump

  1. For your calculation question, yes thats possible. Add a Measure to Measures in your Crosstab. Adjust the width of the column you want to add the "totalMeasure" too. Add a textfield and link your new Variable. To set up the variable, add a variable in your report. Do the calculations $V{Var1}+$V{Var2} Only if you set Groovy as language of your report (in the property sheet) Otherwise, depending by the value of your variables, you should use something like: new Double( $V{Var1}.doubleValue() + $V{Var2}.doubleValue() ) Where Var are the columns from your database. This should do the trick! Regards, Sjoerd link to the calculation answer:
  2. Why not change your variable that is passed from jaspersoft to String (or the variable in Java to BigDecimal)? It's my experience that thats a major problem causer :-)
  3. Bulk data: You can use the main dataset for the bulk of your data. For your charts: Navigate to "Report Inspector" -> Right click on you report and "Add Dataset" This dataset you can use to fill your charts based on another source.
  4. BTW, i use PHP to generate my report-links. I store the last bit in a database and generate them using the following code: define('URL_BASE', 'http://traject-pc:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Freports&reportUnit=');[/code] $final_url = URL_BASE . $link;[/code] $link = $line['link'];$name = $line['naam'];$click = LINK_ONCLICK;$final_url = URL_BASE . $link;{echo "tt<td>$name</td><td><a target="report"href="$final_url"$click">$name</a></td>n";[/code]
  5. It seems that Excel is destroying your link, according to a Windows forumpost. I would try to backtrack the error using jasperserver debug, although i'm not sure if the log shows what URL is being send to the server. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2003-excel/hyperlink-does-not-resolve-correctly/188c9cb0-bf88-4495-ae27-6d18b3df11e8
  6. Hi Camilio I use the following link to my reports: http://traject-pc:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Freports&reportUnit=%2Freports%2Fmy_report The bold text is different from your URL. Hope this helps!
  7. Let me put it this way :) I have 2 crosstabs in 2 reports in report 1 crosstab the height is fixed to 150 px. So i know where to place crosstab 2 (+150px) In report 2 crosstab 1 is 175 pixels. So placing crosstab 2 @ + 150 px will print the lines over each other. Thats what i'm struggeling with :-)
  8. hmm, thats too bad :) I have in different reports the same crosstab, but not every cross tab has the same amounth of rows. So the layout of report 1 wont work on report 2 :(
  9. Working on a set of reports I notced thats its not possible to adjust the height of a crosstab Dynamicly. i have to generate a bunch of different reports but all with the same number of crosstabs. But not al these crosstabs have the same number of lines. To improve the reports' maintainability i would like to adjust the height of the crosstab dynamicly. The following does NOT work: Paste a Variable into the height field: Paste the variable into the xml. <reportElement uuid="xxx" x="0" y="600" width="1703" height="<![CDATA[$F{ct_1}]]>" /> anyone has an idea?
  10. You might try to create a Parameter with variable expresssion $V{value1+2} then, in your query select * from table where var1 = $P{parameter1} This you export to jasperserver.
  11. Hi, can you be more specfic? For instance, is your report dependent on a datasource (like a database) or are there Parameters involved?
  12. Thanks for you explanation. Im not to familiair with REST api, so i'll stick to changing the order with deleting and creating the parameters :)
  13. Hi Pawel, what you want is to add a variable: Where your variable expression is $V{value1}+$V{value2} or $F{value1}+$F{value2} or $P{value1}+$P{value2} This will give you the concenated value (3) I hope this helps. Is this on the Jasperserver?
  14. Hi guys, I have a report with 4 parameters, Year, Month, Min, Max When i started out with the parameters only Month and Max were used. So i added Year and Min later. All parameters are at the top of the page but there is no way to sort them. Currently the order is [Month] [Max] [Min [Year] while a better order would be [Year] [Month] [Min] [Max]. Does anyone know how to sort the order of the Parameters? Thanks!
  15. Looks like you enterd a wrong address in js.quartz.properties Mine looks like... report.scheduler.mail.sender.host=smtp.gmail.comreport.scheduler.mail.sender.username=my_mail@gmail.comreport.scheduler.mail.sender.password=my_passreport.scheduler.mail.sender.from=return_mailreport.scheduler.mail.sender.protocol=smtp report.scheduler.mail.sender.port=587report.scheduler.web.deployment.uri=http://localhost:8080/jasperserver
  16. Hello Guys, i have a question about a query that is based on 2 paramaters. Both parameters are dropdowns ($P{dropdown1} and $P{dropdown2}) $P{dropdown1} select naam from table1 join table2 using (id) order by naam $P{dropdown2} select ht from table1 join table2 using (id) where naam = $P{dropdown} and ht not in (select ht from negeren_ht) some of my code that fills the report: and (naam = $P{dropdown} and ht = ANY (array[$P{dropdown2}])) I suspect the problem is with ht = ANY (array[?])) The output according to the logfile is: I dont know what im doing wrong, the query gives the correct output when i run it in pgAdmin, but it fails in Jasperserver... Any ideas? cheers, sjoerd
  17. How about this solution? Sounds like its on the "word" side of the export http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314568
  18. Is there an overflow on a cell that is bigger than your margin when generated?
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