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  1. Hi, The error you see is server's input validation, which blocks request containing unwanted symbols. It may be that mandatory flag somehow impacts the data being sent. In would be in order if you look at server log, there is more detailed information about which security input validation rule is affected. Thanks, Anton.
  2. Hi Justin, Could you please describe in more detail what kind of reports you have, how are they connected, what parameters and input controls do you have and what are the default values for parameters? Thanks, Anton.
  3. Hi, [Null] is the default value, in order to change it, you may want to set another default value, e.g. empty string: <parameter name="MyParameter" class="java.lang.String"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[""]></defaultValueExpression></parameter>
  4. In order to see more details, I suggest to enable logging and see the output. You need to go to Manage->Server Settings and enable log "SQL query executer", please copy the output from server console here.
  5. Hi Antonio, 1) Yes, you need to restart your apache-tomcat after changing localization and internationalization files (it's default setting of application context). 2) If some messages are not translated, you need to check if internationalization file (italian in your case) contains translated string. It may appear that i18n file is in place, but not all strings are translated. Anton.
  6. Hi, I assume you mean not JasperReports 4.7.1 but JasperReports Server 4.7.1, because JasperReports library doesn't have input controls. So I'll answer your questions for JasperReports Server 4.7.1. 1) In order to change pattern of the date input control in JRS 4.7.1 you need to edit file "../WEB-INF/bundles/jasperserver_config.properties" (default one or "_de", "_fr" etc., depending on your locale) and change "calendar.date.format" property. 2) What exactly do you mean by changing default languages? JRS 4.7.1 by default supports few locales, for which all messages are translated. You can select needed locale on login page. If you want to add new locale to the JRS 4.7.1, please check out JasperReports Server Administrator Guide - Appendix C Localization, please pay attention to C.6 JasperBabylon. 3) In order to change default messages you need to edit propeties files in directory "../WEB-INF/bundles". In order to find needed key, search for message inside each file in this directory (you can easily do it using some file manager). For example, search for message "This field is mandatory so you must enter data" and you find that it's a key "fillParameters.error.mandatoryField" in file "../WEB-INF/bundles/jasperserver_messages.properties". Hope this helps, Anton.
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