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Everything posted by huuquynh

  1. Nope, but you should check the firewall on both server and client environment. And you should check more on PHP error output, dive into detail error... and google solution. Another way is check yourself by login to jasperserver from browser, run a simple report, if you pass, your code will be. Good luck!
  2. As previous answer, you should use rest v2, more easier than SOAP and Net_Dim. Anyway, rest service is better in performance too. I don't use SOAP and Net_Dim, maybe you will got some internal error with PHP 5.3.
  3. Check readme or readme.txt first! Good luck!
  4. Personally, I love to use rest sample inside php-sample. If you tried the client in the php-sample folder, you must install SOAP and Net_Dime. Copy from readme.txt: php-sample ---------- This sample shows how to use the JasperReports Server Web Services to run a report from a PHP application. Requirements ---------- To use the sample, you need will need: * A web server that supports PHP 5.3 * SOAP pear package (http://pear.php.net/package/SOAP/) * Net_Dime pear package (http://pear.php.net/package/Net_DIME/) If you are using Linux, you can run those commands in console: pear install -f SOAP pear install -f Net_Dime Good luck!
  5. Ah, if you are using Java, you must include some jar files. But you can choose other way (consuming webservice) to get the report without include jar file. Good luck!
  6. You can get WSDL of webservice. But you must include security credentials (user/password) to consume ws.
  7. I checked, and I see that there are 2 version of ddl files, once for mysql and the other for PostgreSQL. If you are using mysql 5.1, there are many problems with Jasper Server 4.7.0, and 4.7.0 only support mysql 5.5 and above. That's why I think you must port for Oracle.
  8. I don't know what your version is. But I'm using 4.7.0: http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/releases/jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-bin.zip In php sample folder.
  9. I don't understand what you mean. You should make a sample Excel that you want to generate first. However, I think your desire is simple.
  10. 1) Can jasper be used to produce an e x ce l file using the values in plain java po jo objects. I don't know your POJO object, but I think it is not the problem. Lets try Jasper Server to understand and you will know how to generate your report first. 2) Does jasper needs to be installed in each and every machine or just the jar file is sufficient? Nope. You just install on server, and client can access to server to get reports. 3) The value for the each column in the e x cel report is in a java object. Can jasper show h t ml content inside the excel properly. For example, if the data is <b>This is bold Text</b>. And will the genrated e x cel output will show the data as is inside a cell or does it show the text in bold.? It is belonged to your skill/artwork to design Jasper Report XML.
  11. I think you should deploy Jasper Server on separated middleware. I tried to run Jasper Server and other applications in one middleware, and anytime server restarts or middleware restarts, everything are hang. When I restart manual, sometime ok but sometime error (ratio is 50:50). Even now, I'm running Jasper Server in separated middleware, when server is restarted, the Jasper Server's middleware can not start if set service automatic starting, I must start service manual. BTW, my server is Linux. :)
  12. I don't use sharepoint but I think you missed authorize account to access SOAP services.
  13. If not much, why don't you try to pass in parameters?
  14. I think that you must porting yourself the ddl file to create and populate data on Oracle. :)
  15. You should not do that. You MUST reference in sample packed in zip file, using the script include or require_one in sample. Very easy to integrated. I tried and chose rest service v2. Good luck!
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