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Everything posted by singhpj

  1. Did you ever find a solution to your issue? I have a similar issue where I am rendering multiple images. The first image displays fine with the header on top, then the second header is at the bottom of the first page and image on the second page. I would like the second header and the respective image to show on the second page. I do have "Start a new Page" set for the group header as well as Keep together. I only have group header, no group footer is needed for my report. There is only one group in sub dataset source for my table.
  2. I have a few optional parameters which a user is expected to select a value for before a report is generated. If a user selects a value, the report is filtered ( by a where clause) based on the selected parameter criterion, othewise a report with all values for that parameter is presented. I would like to show the selected parameter in the Title Band . If a user skips a parameter selection, I want to show all in the Title. The text field element in the Title Band has the follwing syntax "Town - "+ ($P{TOWN_ID}!=null?$F{TOWN_ID}:"All").toString() However at runtime the report spits out null if there is no parameter selection by the user, otherwise it works fine. Would appreciate all/any help. Thanks!
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