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  1. See picture, all our reports gets an extra colapsed column at end of report. I've tried all the tricks in the book to remove them: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.remove.empty.space.between.columnsAligning all cells so that there wil be no empty spacesDeleting all template elements, narrowing it down to just a clean master report with just a subreport, containing the detail band Also tried printing just an completly empty report, and that generates empty sheet with 3 colapsed colums at first (A,B,C)
  2. Can please some of the developers answer this? I need to do this in production now.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to workaround problem with blank first page (seen here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/5010) by doing jasperPrint.getPages().remove (page) Is this safe? I noticed the page numbers gets wrong, but that could be fixed.
  4. Hi i try to change decimal separator in csv, so that 3.14 shows up as 3,14. Changing the field to String is not an option, as I want it to show as numbers in Excel (by the way the value shows correct there with comma) Have tried to set REPORT_LOCALE parameter to "nb NO" which is my country and we use "," as default for numbers.
  5. The 5 header bands are not nested but belong to the same group.. Use of subreport might be a workaround that would do the trick, but then I have to rewrite stuff, but thanks for the tip, it might be what I do if I can't get "keep togheter" to work properly
  6. The 5 header bands are not nested but belong to the same group.. Use of subreport might be a workaround that would do the trick, but then I have to rewrite stuff, but thanks for the tip, it might be what I do if I can't get "keep togheter" to work properly
  7. The title is pretty explaining. I hope for help from developers as we have an upcoming release, and cant find a workaround. Here's my previous asked question: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/804124/group-property-keep-together-doesnt-work-multiple-headers
  8. Hi, I want to control programatically how many groups that are visible on each pdf-page. Tried adding a page break in the group footer, which I control with a printWhenExpression. It seems like it works in 90% of cases, but not always. This is in a subreport. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. Or is it so that the group headers aren't supposed to be kept together with group?
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