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Everything posted by gustavofarias

  1. put some static text in the detail band of one of your subreports, near the dynamic text fields. Check if the static part is being printed, or nothing is printed at all.
  2. add another subreport that just prints a static text (no need to pass Datasource) and see if your server can handle that. This is to know if the problem is subreports as a whole or the datasource only.
  3. Your server can't find/access the keystore: Could not locate: org.apache.commons.configuration2.io.FileLocator@22b9e380[fileName=.jrsksp,basePath=C:UsersPRODATO See this: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/encryption-jasperreports-server-75
  4. have a look at this method: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/JasperRunManager.html#runReportToPdf(java.lang.String,java.util.Map,net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource) One of the parameters is a datasource. This is where you put your data. Not in the parameters. One of the datasources you could use in your case is this: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/data/JRBeanCollectionDataSource.html You create a list with your beans and them create a datasource as the above.
  5. I don't know how do you pass a HashMap as datasource. Maybe you can explain better, but the question is, are you able to see your data? without this there is no point in worring about subreports.
  6. what do you mean with "sourcing from a java HashMap with a list of java beans"? Can't you write a simple report that has no subreports and just print your data?
  7. how do you pass 2 parameters to your report? in some moment in your code you call jasperreports and passes the parameters and the connection or the datasource. You didn't provide any info about how you run your report
  8. forget the subreports, just try to print the data in your main report in detai band. Can you see any data?
  9. is it opened in other format other than PDF? Can you see your data in the main report?
  10. Why don't you split your strings, put the data in some simple bean list, use the list to create a JRBeanCollectionDataSource, and pass it as the datasource or your report, instead of passing string parameters?
  11. It makes no sense. An empty report is not an error. And 400 should be a response to a bad request. A request that is able to produce a report (be it empty or not) is not a bad request. If you know your data and your report, you know what makes it empty, and you can test that before requesting to jasper reports.
  12. don't know if I understood your question.
  13. can you post your working report with the data source that is causing trouble. Something runnable that people can run and make tests?
  14. you can change the page width of the portrait one to match the width of the landscape ones, and also change the heigh accordingly to maintain the portrait aspect.
  15. have you tried exporting to other formats? What do you preview in studio?
  16. Could you attach some prints of your current report? Showing exactly what is going wrong in a particular situation?
  17. it's on the next page because it is after the break. Put it before. You can improve the condition to check if the current record is the last. check if it's equal to REPORT_COUNT. In this case, print end, if not, use the logic of printing "continue" every tem records or black otherwise.
  18. Whats is the condition for your page break to show? Why don't you put a text field near the page break and put the same condition on "Print when"?
  19. The preview shows a font, the PDF is showing another font. Different fonts have different widths. In the PDF, the last word is too big to fit the field, thus it's being pushed to the next line, which doesn't show because yout text field is not set to stretch vertically.
  20. Forget the syntax errors that jaspersoft detect. Trust only in the errors your database point. Even with some errors, you can click "read fields" and if your query is correct and executable, the fields are going to be read.
  21. try to run the sql of your report directly into the database to see what happens
  22. What are id, and frequency? are they fields returned by your query?
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