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Everything posted by gustavofarias

  1. I was able to change this by creating a new "Theme" where in the "Images" folder I put a custom "bg_signin.jpg" image. You can easily export the "default" theme, delete everything except the "images" folder and the "bg_signin.jpg" image. Then you replace the image and upload the theme again as a new theme. Then you apply the new theme.
  2. I have run into something similar long ago. It happened when I changed fonts of textFieds. I don't remember if I was using font extensions. When doing the calculations of the spaces and line breaks, jasperreports was considering one font, that has its width, but to exhibit the result it was using another font with another width, causing a difference between the preview and the exported report. In your case it seems to happen in the preview.
  3. I see no attachment. In fact you shouldn't change it to Object but to Boolean.
  4. The result of the expression is boolean. But you must be putting it in an element of type object. Also, this is enough: $P{Program} == null || $F{programme}.equalsIgnoreCase( $P{Program} )
  5. I have this JRS community 7.8 installed in Ubuntu 18 with Tomcat 9 (package managed). I have noticed recently that sometimes for no apparent reason the number of sessions on Tomcat for the JRS app start to grow without control in the rate of dozens or tens per second. If I don't stop the app, or reload it it grows to a point where Tomcat becomes unusable. At first I thought it was DoS attack, but then I discarded it as there is no increase in remote access to the app. As if the sessions are created by the app itself or Tomcat itself. Like in a infinite loop bug. The problem is, Tomcat shows no logs pointing anything wrong and the logs for JRS just don't exist. At least I can't find them in the locations pointed by lots of answers in the forums.
  6. The only solution to this that I know is using the HTTP api instead of the rest api. In the http api the content disposition is inline. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v720/repository-http-api
  7. It's not clear what you trying to do, what you have already done and what are the results.
  8. use as many variables as your band references the original variable. like, var1 is the main one, the one that is incremented every new record. Any time you need var1 again in the same band, use a second (var2), third (var3) and so on. The expressions for var2 = var1 + 1, var3 = var2 + 1 and so on.
  9. If your datasource is the result of the query, you can use the parameter REPORT_COUNT as index and get the respective value from the colection and make the calculations.
  10. Check this: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/query/index.html#query "$P!{} Using $P!{} allows you to modify the query syntax itself." You can use a second parameter that depending on the nullability of one or tow collections holds a different where clause
  11. The best is the one that works and is easier to understand and maintain. I think option 2 is much better. Especially if you can create a short expression that uses some parameter. Even if you put lots of IFs to choose the right image, the fact that all code will be in one place, makes it better to maintain, in my opinion.
  12. You ask to refer to attachment, but your attachment has nothing to help understand what you want. To sum time, convert them to some unit, like seconds, then, sum them, then convert back to time.
  13. Maybe one technology is more powerful in some aspects than the other and the other way around. Looking at your code, I see nothing that Jasper can't handle with parameters, fields and variables. c, menge, nomSap, denomSap could be variables. Basically what you doing are tests and assignments, which can be easily hadled by the ternary operator (test ? a : b); SV{menge} = $F{APOS.STATUS} == "FR" ? $F{APOS.MENGE_SOLL} : $F{APOS.MENGE_KOMM} Replacements, rounding, formating, all this can be done in expressions.
  14. There might be. Especially if you're talking about lots of data. Why don't you test and compare? Jasperstudio outputs the time spent generating the report. Also, your database might output the time spent returning a query. You may start testing only the query in your database.
  15. Why are you grouping in your SQL and then again in your report? From what I can get, you are grouping in the exact same columns. If you have already gruped in the SQL, you just need to use the detail band
  16. Are you using a variable with calculation type SUM? can you show a print of your result? or part of your code so we can see the grouping expression and the variable expression?
  17. What do you mean by incorrect? Different ordering? Do you have any grouping in your report?
  18. what's the point of this? new Integer( Integer.valueOf( $P{mand_id} ) ) If mand_id is already an Integer, why all this? What's the type of the parameter in the subreport (MAND_ID)?
  19. This means your subreport is getting no data from the datasource.
  20. put some static text in the "No data" band and set "When no data type" to "No Data Section". To check if some data is reaching the subreport
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