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Everything posted by randallsims

  1. Hello, I have recently changed a procedure on my database that feeds my report. The parameters and fields have not changed, just the way it works internally. The query works but now the report does not return any data. I have had this happen several times, and I have had to fiddle with the report to get it working again (closing iReport and re-opening, recompiling, etc). Eventually it starts working again, but not this time. There are no errors. Ideas? Thanks!
  2. Are hyperlinks and sorting only usable if I am viewing the reports through report server? We're currently using standalone reports. Thanks
  3. Hello, I have a parameterized report that is passing a date back to Oracle. Oracle is picky about dates: it treats them as dd-MON-yyyy, and if it doesn't get it that way, it gripes. I don't know what kind of formatting to apply to the date from jasperreports to make Oracle happy. Can someone give me their experience with this? I've tried, to_date(<dateparam>,'mm/dd/yyyy') but it gives me the same error. The format mask has to match the input (i.e. the date coming from JasperReports) for this to_date function to work. Thank you!
  4. Does your laptop have any kind of hosts name setup for the IP address to reference that server name, where the other computers don't? Have you tried using the machine's IP address instead?
  5. Hello! I'm pretty new to Jasper products. Here's what's happening. I have a report that uses plsql. I made the changes to iReport so that this would be possible, as well as connecting to an Oracle server. I setup a JasperServer so I can test my reports in something other than previews, but when I go to import the JRXML file, I get the following error: The selected JRXML could not be parsed. You might have selected the wrong file. The error file shows the following: These are the steps I have taken to try to get this running, but I still get the same error: Put a copy of ojdbc6.jar in the ..\jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0\apache-tomcat\lib directory Successfully created a data source to the oracle database Put the following line in the jasperReports.properties file: net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.plsql=com.jaspersoft.jrx.query.PlSqlQueryExecuterFactoryEdited queryBeans.xml and applicationContext.xml, adding values of "plsql" anywhere I found values of "sql". Your help is greatly appreciated! Randy
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