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  1. Thanks, but not really. I need a direct answer, yes or no. All my research so far is saying no. JasperServer is REQUIRED for master-to-subreport hyperlinks to work. Can anyone please positively confirm this?
  2. I have the same question as the original post, but did not see a definitive answer in the reply. Does iReport have "Input Controls", or are these just a JasperServer thing? It seems without input controls and jasper server, you can not use or test hyperlinks in reports (in other words, with just iReports and the JasperReports library, they don't work). Is that correct? Thanks.
  3. I have the same question. Can these work with iReports and JasperReports library only; no JasperServer, and if so, how?
  4. Can you test hyperlinks into subreports with just iReports? If so, how? The information I am finding in this long, tedious search is just talking about deploying to a JasperServer. Will they work when just using iReports and the JasperReports library code? What should "the “Value expression” to point to your subreport (MUST BE IN QUOTES); i.e. "/jasperserver-path-to-child-report" ; e.g. “/reports/samples/EmployeeAccounts” (for this you need to have child report ready and exported to jasperserver, which we will create in steps below). What should this value be when it is not deployed to a server? I am using a file system path, and it is not working; e.g. <textField hyperlinkType="ReportExecution" bookmarkLevel="1"> <reportElement x="221" y="108" width="183" height="18"/> <textElement verticalAlignment="Middle"/> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{MyNumber}]]></textFieldExpression> <hyperlinkTooltipExpression><![CDATA["link to MyNumber"]]></hyperlinkTooltipExpression> <hyperlinkParameter name="_report"> <hyperlinkParameterExpression><![CDATA["C:/projects/JasperReports/work/reports/experimentalSR"]]></hyperlinkParameterExpression> </hyperlinkParameter> <hyperlinkParameter name="MyNumber"> <hyperlinkParameterExpression><![CDATA[$F{MyNumber}]]></hyperlinkParameterExpression> </hyperlinkParameter> </textField> I have a field and a parameter in my subreport named MyNumber, but the hyperlink is not working. Can anyone assist with this? Thanks!
  5. A video or more detailed instructions would really help. Thanks
  6. Sherman's is a ridiculous response. Time to fix the product. At least Matt's response is workable. Thanks, Matt. Post Edited by jeffcaswell at 05/16/2012 13:42
  7. I have the same question, and don't understand why it is so difficult to understand. Can you have a dynamic list of subreports, or do they (does the number of subreports) have to be pre-defined and fixed? Can you generate a master report with 1 subreport, or one hundred subreports, depending on the situation?
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