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Everything posted by clshafer

  1. Thank you Ernestoo for your response. This has been a nagging problem, I am sure it is a simple answer. I have not considered evaluation times. I have put the Multi-Axis chart in the Title and Summary Bands and get he same result. When I put it in the Detail Band I get two the same chart multiple times. Acccording to the uptimate guide, the syntax looks like, 1) So, your suggestion is to put the chart in DETAIL and change the Evaluation to REPORT ? 2) Is there a particular place to put the code? Or is there an option on a properties somewhere? 3) Can you please verify the my understanding of how my data is structured and my use of the series expression, category expression and value expression are correct? Thank you!
  2. Did you every find an answer to this question? I am having the same problem and don't see any answers that adress this.
  3. I am trying to migrate from iReports to Jasper Studio but I think I might have some thing setup wrong. I am able to create a new report, and link to a database but I can't seem to find any PALATTE window like in iREPPORTS (to create a chart, add a title, etc) I have been through every button and tab a couple of times and can't find it.
  4. MySQL Query Result cat1 prog_type amount -------- --------- ----------- Cost Breakfast 2347.504472 Cost Dinner 3360.645796 Cost Lunch 2513.695121 Invitees Breakfast 17.200000 Invitees Dinner 44.555762 Invitees Lunch 19.217391 Programs Breakfast 123.000000 Programs Dinner 1444.000000 Programs Lunch 580.000000 The three Data Details used for Multi-Axis chart: Series Expression= "Cost" , Category expression = $F(prog_type), Value expression = $F(amount) Series Expression="Invitees", Category expression= $F(prog_type), Value expression = $F(amount) Series Expression="Programs", Category expression= $F(prog_type), Value expression = $F(amount) I have used this link as a model for creating this report http://www.jaspersoft.com/creating-multi-axis-charts-ireport The above data is the result of a query I am trying to create a multi-axis report in iREPORTS. When I use the first column name "Cat1" for the Series Expression, I am able to create a line chart with 3 lines (Cost, Invitees, Programs) with the right data. Everything is Great, numbers on the Y-Axis and (Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch) on the X-Axis. But, when I try to do like the example for multi-axis chart and add three individual Data Detail Series Expressions as outlined above, one for each of the unique values in Cat1 I only get the data for Invitees for all three lines. So it looks like a single line. Is the data in the right format? What else do I need to define? What have I missed?
  5. I am a quite ignorant on the connectors stuff. I was able to download mysql-connector-odbc-noinstall-5.2.2-win64 folder with other folders (bin,lib,test). Is there a specific file I need to add to the classpath? or the entire folder? and where is the classpath to add this to? Thank you.
  6. I have successfully created a data connection for iReports but I am trying to get Jaspersoft Studio working with MySQL. Is there something special I have to do with Studio that I don't for iRerpots. In STUDIO I clicked on the Data Adapter Wizard, clicked next, chose "Configure Database JDBC Connection", Entered the following for the JDBC Drive and URL. JDBC Drive: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver JDBC Url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/stat_warehouse When I test the connection, I get the following error: Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:com.mysql.jdbc.Driver Can you help me?
  7. Is there a way to add a picture to show you the layout. It is a three column layout.(Cat1, program_type, amount). When I try to show the data is gets bunched up. When I generate a line chart within Multiple Chart for this data set it looks great, I get three lines that represent the three series, but only if I specify $F(cat1) as the series expression. When I change the series expression to "Costs", I actually get a single line that has "Invitees" data, odd!!! If I specify the three series expressions individually (costs, Programs, Invitees) I get three lines all using INVITEES data, looking like single line.
  8. cat1 program_type amount -------- -------------- -------- Cost Breakfast 2347.504472 Cost Dinner 3360.645796 Cost Lunch 2513.695121 Invitees Breakfast 17.200000 Invitees Dinner 44.555762 Invitees Lunch 19.217391 Programs Breakfast 123.000000 Programs Dinner 1444.000000 Programs Lunch 580.000000
  9. Query Results: Cat1 program_type amount --------- ------------ ---------- Cost Breakfast 2347.504472 Cost Dinner 3360.645796 Cost Lunch 2513.695121 Invitees Breakfast 17.200000 Invitees Dinner 44.555762 Invitees Lunch 19.217391 Programs Breakfast 123.000000 Programs Dinner 1444.000000 Programs Lunch 580.000000 When a generate a line chart within Multiple Chart for this data set it looks great, I get three lines that represent the, but only if I specify $F(cat1) as the series expression. When I change the series expression to "Costs", I actually get a single line that has "Invitees" data, odd!!! If I specify the three series expressions individually (costs, Programs, Invitees) I get three lines all using INVITEES data, looking like single line.
  10. That link is THE example I have been using as a reference. When I put in the three separate Series expressions; "NumOfPrograms", "AvgCostperProgram", "AvgAttendees", which are the values in the column Cat1, I only get on one line instead of three, but the legend has the three entries. I do not specify anywhere to look at field cat1 it is just the first column is the query. Is there a place to put cat1 as the field to use and still specify the three values in three separate series expression.
  11. I am having difficulty with Multi Axis Line/Bar chart in iREPORTS. I might be that I am not sure on how the Data Detail Series Expression works. I am using a simple MySQL query pulling three distinct values("NumOfPrograms", "AvgCostperProgram", "AvgAttendees"), in the first column called Cat1. When I use the first column name "Cat1" for the Series Expression, I am able to create a line chart with 3 lines. Everything is Great. But, when I try to do like the example for multi-axis chart and add three individual Data Detail Series Expressions, one for each of the unique values in Cat1 I only get one series. The three Data Detail Series Expression= "NumOfPrograms" , Category expression = $F(prog_type), Value expression = $F(amount) Series Expression="AvgCostperProgram", Category expression= $F(prog_type), Value expression = $F(amount) Series Expression="AvgInvitees", Category expression= $F(prog_type), Value expression = $F(amount) The three columns from MySQL : (Cat1, prog_type, amount). It has just occurred to me I am not sure when/where I tell the Mult-axis chart which field to find the 3 distinct values ??? Could this be where I am missing something?
  12. No I haven't. I looked at it and did not know how to set up the input control. Also, having trouble locating the documentation on HOW to set it up. Can you point me to document that has the instructions or give me a quick reply with a how to? Thanks.
  13. I have a iREPORT with a prompt for a parameter that works great in preview. When I publish to jasperserver and run the report from jasperadmin, the report does not prompt. Do I need to do something with the server to allow prompting? Any ideas?
  14. I do not have mySQL as my repository. I decided to reinstalled Jaspersoft Server. Then I moved the connector to the Apache-tomcat/Lib as stated about and everything works great. Thank you to everyone!!!
  15. I do not have a any connector in Appache-TomCat/Lib folder. I just downloaded the J connector called "mysql-connector-java-5.1.21-bin.jar". Should I change the name to a specific name so Tomcat can find it? Or just move it to "C:/program files/jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0/apache-tomcat/lib" ?
  16. Also tried: jdbc.mysql://localhost:3306/stat_development (. after jdbc)
  17. Also tried URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stat_development
  18. I created one and log into jasperserver(using jasperadmin) to test connection. The connection failed. Type: JDBC Data Source, Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, URL:jdbc:mysql://localhost/stat_development . stat_development is the name of the database. And MySQL in on my laptop.
  19. I am im the process of evaluating Jasperserver with our installed MySQL. I am currently able create and run ireports that link to MySQL and the reports look great! Gets the data and the connection to MySQL is fine. When I put the Report in the Repository. I then go to the Jasperserver and login as jasperadmin and try to run the report and get an an error message: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. I have setup the DData Source just like the one in iREPORTS. I have also choosen the option to use the datasource from the iReport when I moved it to the repositiory. After reading through many Forum Treads, I am thinking I might have installed JasperServer wrong or missing something for the connection. Help please.
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