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  1. Hi Y'all Just developed an Incident report which now requires Call duration. Does anyone have a formula one can use to calculate Duration from Date/Time Incident was Received to Date/Time Incident was Resolved? Many thanks.
  2. Hi guys, I have developed a report that lists Assignee details from xml. I now need to create a Parameter that will allow users to Select first the Individual assignee. How do we do this? I have created a Parameter called "Assignee" and has the "use as a Prompt" checked, when i run the report i still get the list of all Assignees despite specifying the Assignee @parameter prompt. Tnx in advance.
  3. I managed to make it work. I guess it's because i was placing the variable element on a wrong band. Thanks 4 the participation.
  4. variable class type is 'java.lang.Double', Calculation Type is 'Count' and Reset Typ is 'Report'
  5. Hi Guys, I am new in iReport business.I have created a Summary report for our call centre incidents. Everything works fine except for CallID count variable: it returns a value '1' instead of giving me the exact count of CallIDs. I have placed this Callid count variable on the UserID group band. May be iam doing it wrong, what is the right syntax for CallID Count variable? Thx in advance for the help.
  6. Hi Guys, I am using ireport 2.0.4. I have created a variable called CallID count, to distinct count callids and has 'calculation type' set to distinct count. When i run the report i get null result. Can somebody please tell me the best way to use distinct count / count? Thank you! Elijah
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