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  1. hi Experts, I have a text item and image in my Jasper iReport. I need to show them when the report is run for html output. I need to hide them when the report is run for pdf and excel outputs. How can I achieve this. What expression should be written in the print when expressions of these components? Is there any predefined variables/parameters used to capture in which output the report is run? Thanks in Advance
  2. hi Friends, I am trying to export a report into pdf .Some of the columns in the report is getting cut. It is coming fine in HTML but in pdf it is getting cut. suppose if my html is having 10 cols my pdf gives only 6 cols. Please let me know if any of you have encountered ths issue before.Thanks in advance.
  3. I am also having the same problem with DB2 connection. Did anyone find a solution for this? I am trying to connect to DB2 7. For This version of DB2 we have to use db2java.zip instead of Jar file. By including this file in class path in ireport I am able to connect from ireport. I copied this db2java.zip into C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-4.5apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFlib and C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-4.5buildomaticconf_sourcedbdb2jdbc My ireport Jdbc url is as follows jdbc:db2:DSNA In server Iam not sure on what to try. I tried various options like with ip etc but nothing worked. Please help let me know if any of you have connected to DB2 before. Post Edited by locatesri at 03/12/2012 05:54
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