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Everything posted by agharti81

  1. Hi it's possible to validate an xml with the tXSDValidator component. With XSD is also possible to configure XML components faster importing the XSD schema into Talend components. Hope this can help
  2. Hi Rumbi What kind of transformation you need to perform? of course you can do everything (probably) in just 1 job, but this can raise problems in performances, memory and so on. If it's just a migration (copy 1 table into another in another dbms) it's easy and you can do as you prefer, but if you need to join tables you need a better design. Mauro
  3. Hi Rumbi This probably depends on how you designed your job. Could you please be more detailed and maybe attach a screenshot (or the job exported)? Thanks Mauro
  4. I haven't find any specific topic about that, but you can of course use the generic component tJDBC* or tODBC*. Hope this can help Mauro
  5. oh, Only version 5.x will have this functionality. Up to now you cannot have a dynamic job defined.
  6. Which version of JETL are you currently using? In the last one you should find a "context job" space in which you can insert a variable, like context.jobName or (String)globalMap.get("jobName"). Hope this can help
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