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Everything posted by mikewoinoski

  1. A combination of things worked for me: (1) defining a Jasper theme for embedded editors, and (2) displaying the editor in an <iframe> with an inline style. Download one of the attached zip files with a CSS file for the embedded theme (different versions for JRS 4.5 and 4.7) In the Jasper admin console, r-click Themes > Upload a Theme. Chose the zip file you downloaded in st Add theme=embedded to the URL for the editor:<iframe src="http://jaspersvr/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=adhocFlow&theme=embedded&realm=%2Fadhoc%2Ftopics%2FInvoice_Summary&reportType=table&_eventId=startAdHocWithTopic&j_username=someuser&j_password=userpw" style="border:none;padding:0;width:95%;margin:20px 0 0 20px;height:600px" scrolling="no"> </iframe> The embedded theme is a single stylesheet that simply removes all decoration from the editor frame. Hope this helps. Post Edited by mwoinoskibt at 09/18/2012 18:35
  2. Postgres is not compiled into the server. You can store the JasperServer repository in any database (we're using Oracle). You configure the database JDBC URLs in the file SERVER_HOME/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/js.jdbc.properties. However, you'll need to initialize your database with the tables that Jasper needs to populate the repository. Chapter 6 of the JasperReports Server Install Guide describes manual database creation. Section 6.1.2 gives details for MySQL. It might be easier to install the WAR distro of the server, instead of trying to modify the version installed by the Mac installer. The WAR installation is described in the Install Guide in chapter 5. You can get the WAR file distro at http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperserverwebsite/JSJA%20Website/js_download.html?header=project&target=jasperserver
  3. I did more experimenting, and JRS actually uses JSESSIONID after a login from the console. For example, I embedded a dashboard in an iFrame in our app's home page. On the initial display of the page, JRS shows the login page. After logging in, the dashboard comes up, and later requests to embed other resources work without another login. My browser shows the JSESSIONID cookie in its collection of cookies. So it looks like the same mechanism (JSESSIONID cookie) is used to authenticate both REST requests and HTTP API calls. But a REST login doesn't work when authenticating HTTP API calls. Maybe the HttpSession contents are different for a REST login and a console login. So maybe the intial login needs to use the same mechanism as a console login instead of a REST login. I'll keep hacking.
  4. Is it possible to configure JRS to use the JSESSIONID cookie to authenticate HTTP API requests (e.g., embed a dashboard), in the same way JRS authenticates REST requests? I know we can include j_username and j_password parameters or use Basic Auth with HTTP API requests. However, both techniques require that we include the user’s password in every request to embed a resource. So we would need to keep the user’s password in memory or look it up for every request. Here’s an example scenario of what I’d like to do: User logs into our app Our app sends a REST login request to JRS JRS sends a response with Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=… Our app sends an HTTP API request to embed a dashboard to JRS. The request includes the JSESSIONID cookie from the login response JRS authenticates the HTTP request using the session id I tried this, and tcpmon shows that the JSESSIONID cookie is included with all requests, but requests to embed resources are redirected to the JRS login page. Does JRS support this scenario, or do I need to write a new security filter that explicit checks for the JSESSIONID?
  5. It depends on the nature of your project. Are the reports you generate mission-critical? Then you'll want to cluster the server, which makes deployment and administration more complex. Do you have a QA department? Then you'll probably need different Jasper Server instances for development, QA and production. Will end users be running reports on demand? Then you'll need to train them in the use of the Jasper Server console. If you don't want to invest the time and energy into a full-blown server deployment, then it may be more cost-effective to use the Quartz scheduler (http://quartz-scheduler.org/) to schedule the reports, and write a simple web app with a JSP or JSF front-end to handle on-demand reporting. On the other hand, if all your requirements can be met with a single server instance, then Jasper Server could be a good way to get up and running quickly.
  6. Logs are in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs (Tomcat logs) and $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs (Jasper server logs). $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out will probably give you the most useful info but check the other logs as well.
  7. After more research, I'm guessing this is a JRS bug. According to section 1.6.4 of the JasperReports Server Authentication Cookbook: So the synchronizer's behavior does not match the spec.
  8. Answer: Yes, a jrxml report can use a domain. Create a new report with iReport and select Domain Report as the type. There is also a Domain item on the Windows menu that lists all the domains defined in your server. This is not documented in the iReport Ultimate Guide or application help, but there is a tutorial at http://www.jaspersoft.com/creating-a-domain-report-ireport-tutorial
  9. I looks like the CSS stylesheets are not being applied. What browser are you using? Is it possible that CSS/stylesheets are disabled in your browser?
  10. Can a report defined with JRXML use a Domain as a datasource? Or are domains intended for use only for ad hoc and olap queries? I'm mainly interested in whether a domain's access grants for row- and column-level security can be applied to a static report.
  11. I have JRS 4.5 Pro configured to authenticate users against an external database. It generally works well: when a new external user logs in for the first time, their roles are pulled from the external database and added to the repository. However, if I delete a role from that user in the external database, JRS does not remove that role from user in the repo. I expected the synchronizer to refresh the user's roles at the next log in so that their JRS roles would match the roles in the external DB. Is there some additional configuration I need to do so the user will have only those roles that are currently in the external DB? Or is this a JRS bug?
  12. Check the logs in /opt/jasperreports-server-4.5/apache-tomcat/logs and /opt/jasperreports-server-4.5/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs. The error messages may give details about the cause.
  13. Drill down to the report in the report browser, select it, Edit, and click Data Source in the button cluster/menu on the left. Select your datasource from the repository. It may be helpful to look at the logs in tomcat/logs or tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs
  14. Your last statement is correct: use ireport to create a report's jrxml file, create a report resource in the JR server (it will prompt you to upload the jrxml file), and link the report to the datasource. That's the way it's done when using JR Server. I don't know why you're reluctant to upload reports to the server, but the other option is to generate reports using the Jasper library embedded in a Java app. The JasperReports Library Guide describes that scenario. The js-import/export scripts are for exporting the contents of a repository to a directory or zip file, and then importing those definitions into a different repository. They're useful for backups, promoting a development repo to a test or production repo, etc.
  15. I'm pretty sure you need ireport to create the reports. JasperReports Server does not provide an interface for creating reports. The report definitions are in an XML format, so in theory you could create reports manually, but the report markup is very complex. It will be much easier to use the free version of iReport from jasperforge.org. Post Edited by mwoinoskibt at 04/12/2012 20:49
  16. According to the admin guide, a user with Administer permission on a folder can add resources. And if the user does not have role ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, they won't be able to manage users, etc. So you can grant Administer permission to the users who need to be able to create resources. (This works in the Pro version; I don't know about CE.) To set permissions, right-click a folder > Permissions > View by User > select user > Administer In case you're interested in details, here's a summary of permissions from the admin guide: Permission Description No Access Users can never see or access the folder or resource either directly in the repository or indirectly when running a report, dashboard, or OLAP view. Execute Only Users can never see the folder or resource in the repository, but the reports, dashboard, or OLAP views that they run can access them. Read Only View (run) a report, dashboard, or OLAP view; run a report in the background; schedule a report to run later. Read + Delete Cut (move) a resource or a folder and all of its contents; delete a resource or a folder and all of its contents. Read + Write + Delete Add a subfolder; paste into a folder (copy or cut); save a new Ad Hoc report in a folder; save the output of a scheduled report in a folder; rename a folder or resource and change its description string; open an Ad Hoc report in the Ad Hoc editor; modify and overwrite an existing Ad Hoc report; add a JasperReport resource to the repository (upload a JRXML); edit the definition of a JasperReport resource in the repository (replace the JRXML). Administer Set the permissions (by role and by user) on a folder or resource. This effectively delegates certain repository administration tasks. Administer, ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR Add (create) a resource in a folder; edit a resource, for example the components of a report unit or a Domain.
  17. If I schedule a report using the REST or SOAP API, is it possible to set a limit on the size of the attachment? I want to do something like this: if (report size < 5 Meg) jobMailNotification.setResultSendType(ResultSendType.send_ATTACHMENT) else jobMailNotification.setResultSendType(ResultSendType.send) Does Jasper server support this? Or do I need to fetch the report, check the size, and then send the notification and attachment using the JavaMail API? Thanks, Mike
  18. Buttons will be enabled and disabled based on the type of resource that is currently selected. You selected a Datasource. A datasource can be edited, but it can't be run, so the Run button is disabled. And Paste might be disabled because you didn't copy or cut anything, or you copied a resource in the current folder and jasper won't let you paste the same resource in the folder twice.
  19. Do you want certain users to be able to perform administrative tasks? If so, you can assign an additional role to that user. Login to the Jasper console as superuser, then select Manage > Users. Select the user, click Edit, then add ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR and click Save.
  20. It looks like the value that causes the NumberFormatException contains a line break. The value might be the secret key from jasperserver/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml. Check the file and see if there's a newline in the secret key value. The value in my copy of the file looks like this: <property name="secretKey"><value>0xC8 0x43 0x29 0x49 0xAE 0x25 0x2F 0xA1 0xC1 0xF2 0xC8 0xD9 0x31 0x01 0x2C 0x52 0x54 0x0B 0x5E 0xEA 0x9E 0x37 0xA8 0x61</value></property>
  21. The log indicates that the ldapAuthenticationProvider is throwing an exception when it can't authenticate the user, which might break the provider chain. Maybe the ldapAuthenticationProvider needs to be the last provider in the chain.
  22. Your timezone "GMT 05:30" contains a space, and the regular expression for the timezone validator does not permit spaces. Could be a bug. Try editing the file $JR_HOME/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/classes/esapi/validation.properties and add a space inside the square brackets in the Timezone expression: Validator.Timezone=^[\p{L}\p{N}_\/\:\+ ]*$ That should fix your current error. However, it may cause other problems later on. Post Edited by mwoinoskibt at 04/02/2012 18:11
  23. You can also use HTTP Basic Authentication. It follows the usual formula of a string username:password that is base64-encoded and passed as the value of the Authorization header (using SSL/TLS, of course)
  24. Chapter 9 of the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide discusses integrating JRS and Liferay. However, I can't find the JasperServerPortlet that is described in section 9.3. And from postings in various groups, it sounds like the portlet is not included with JRS versions after 4.0; i.e.: http://www.liferay.com/community/forums/-/message_boards/message/6142026 JasperSoft, do you have an updated portlet that works with LifeRay 6? Post Edited by mwoinoskibt at 04/02/2012 18:32
  25. Is it possible to embed the ad hoc editor in an iFrame so that you don't get the JRS styling (menus, etc.) around the editor component? I'm looking for something that has the same effect for the ad hoc editor as the viewAsDashboardFrame parameter has for dashboards. A URL like the following brings up the ad hoc editor, but with all the usual JRS styling: https://myhost:8443/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=adhocFlow&realm=%252Fadhoc%252Ftopics%252FAdhocDemo&_flowExecutionKey=e13s1&reportType=table&_eventId=startAdHocWithTopic&j_username=myuser|myorg&j_password=mypass (I'm running JRS Pro 4.5) Post Edited by mwoinoskibt at 03/24/2012 01:09 Post Edited by mwoinoskibt at 03/24/2012 01:12
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