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  1. in 6.9.10: right-click on the report > JasperReports > Compile Report
  2. Tell me, where do you do this ? I am searching for this option.
  3. You can download Java6 here : http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US As a side note : why haven't the increased compatibility to 7 allready.
  4. L.S., As iReport fails miserably on MacOS X 10.10 I am forced to evaluate jss. One thing I have not been able to find is how who to save te reports in the 3.6.1 format. Does anyone know the answer ? TIA !
  5. I try : 2014-10-23 00:00:00.000 new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" , new java.util.Locale("fr_FR")).format($F{date_start_raw2}) result : Cannot format given Object as a Date
  6. How many of those steps do you want to have done ? Just converting the FM-XML-Result to a jaspersoft xml should be very doable using xlst. I don't suppose this problem you are having is current ?
  7. I'd think that you allready answered your answer.... I created a second variable $test $V{timereg_type_sum_qty} == 1 ? "one" : "not one" It has the same settings as the field I am testing except for the calculation. that is set to 'Nothing'
  8. I have no idea what you mean by this... I am searching my xml for 'evaluation time', but can't find anything. I am on 4.7.0
  9. I don't recall getting an error. The problem occured when adding a style to field that had indenting on that field
  10. LS, I have been wondering if it is possible to create a variable in the 'Text Field Expression' builder as to make my code more easily readable. I can create variables of course and use these, but would like to just create a couple for the task at hand. I am using java as my language. So, instead of : new DecimalFormat($V{decimalFormat}).format($F{someField}) I'd like to do something like : string df = "0.00" ; new DecimalFormat(df).format($F{vat_base_total_2}) TIA
  11. So, if I understand correctly... If the .xml-file contains 7 <report>s, you want 7 of these pages. All the sample data for a <report> goes into the crosstab. Am I correct ? Or, is something going wrong with the display of the data ? The current data source seems to pull all row-data from the file, but I guess you only want the row data for that report record ?
  12. Where do I find this example ? I have been pulling my hair to get this working
  13. I'd like to help, but I don't really understand what you want. Each report is a record with point_sample and multiple rows in your xml. Could you give an example of how you'd like to present your data with data from what and where ? You might consider a page break after each <report>
  14. Yes, I deleted the plugin. And I only have 7 Classpaths ( where were tens of them before ).
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