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Everything posted by chuttner

  1. Would it be possible to see your 4.0.0 config file? Jasper is giving me a run for my money, trying to get LDAP working. Of course please remove usernames and passwords, but I would apprecate the help! Thanks, Chris My current Forum Post: 87774 http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=87774#87774
  2. I have included my LOG file and applicationContext-securuty config file. I have read what documentation I can, and this forum for help to no avail. Thank you for looking at this.
  3. Did you ever get this resolved? I am still having issues with my LDAP configuration, would love some insight.
  4. bump... Anything? I have configured other systems to use LDAP on our Active Directory (IBM Rational Suit, LSoft LISTSERV, SVN to name a few). Is there some other file I can post that will make it easier to find what I am doing wrong? I am running JasperReport Server CP 4.0.0, is there a newer version? Would that even help?
  5. I have the JasperSoft Cookbook "Authentication Cookbook 4.0" and I still can't figure this out. First think that confuses me is from the book... 2.2.1 Files to Modify All configuration changes for external LDAP authentication are made in the following files: <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security-web.xml (This file is never mentioned in the LDAP section again) <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/applicationContext-multiTenancy-security.xml in commercial editions, which have the organization architecture Next thing is the logging... I am not even sure I have it turned on right cause I only get like 3 lines that are LDAP related and they haven't been help full. LOG 2011-05-19 08:32:02,317 DEBUG AbstractContextSource,main:328 - AuthenticationSource not set - using default implementation 2011-05-19 08:32:02,320 DEBUG AbstractContextSource,main:350 - Not using LDAP pooling 2011-05-19 08:32:02,327 DEBUG AbstractContextSource,main:371 - Trying provider Urls: ldap://domaincontroller.domain.com/dc=domain,dc=com Please let me know if you see anything or have so advice or need to see another file. Code: Post Edited by chuttner at 05/19/2011 18:53
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