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Everything posted by kcsekhar25

  1. Hi all , i tried above one as well but not useful in my case. i have generated a report usin stored function with 3 parameters in postgresql and the report is working very well in the ireport and it is throwing 6632 error in jasper server. i tried all possible solutions from the forum but not solved my problem. please guide me to solve this issue,it's irritating as i have solved this issue when used with sql queries by making sql validation false but this time not working the reg exp changed in validation properties or sql security properties file. Thanks in advance
  2. hi,i did not find any report with drill down feature in jasper community server.please share some samples if any one has and let me know is it possible to implement a drill down with jasper community.
  3. sorry man,i am not getting into forum from so long. we can create personalized dashboard using community edition as well.
  4. mysql does not support common table expression and with clause.
  5. hi folks, finally i got the solution using chart customizers. i used setnodatamessage method to ahndle when there is no data to plot
  6. Hi all, i have a subdataset which returns empty data to the stackedbar 3d chart and i want to display a custom message " No Data Available when the chart doesnot have data to plot. i am using below customizer class to show custom message for stacked bar charts when there is no data to plot. i am breaking my head on this for a month,please let me know if you jave any solution for this. i am getting a custom message for pie chart and line chart using customizer class. i attached the jars i am using for getting the custom message using jfree chart API. import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer;import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis;import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot;import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot;//import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer; //import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRenderer; //import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset; public { { } { CategoryPlot plot1 = chart.getCategoryPlot(); Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); class BarchartCustomizer2implements JRChartCustomizerpublic BarchartCustomizer2()public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jasperChart)//BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) plot.getRenderer(); NumberAxis rangeaxis = (NumberAxis)plot1.getRangeAxis(); plot1.getDomainAxis().setMaximumCategoryLabelLines(2); plot.setNoDataMessage( } } "No Data Available");'
  7. Hi the issue is resolved. i changed timejone to en-english and america/newyork. it showing all the menus
  8. hi all, for me this error got resolved after changing the security-config.properties file. security.validation.sql.on=false
  9. Code:hi all i want multiplefields to be printed in a horizental way. how to do that
  10. hi all i have a issue which is kiling me from many days. i am using js cp 4.5 and my problem is i am creating a report in ireport with paramter product_id and am linking a input control to this parameter in jasper server where i am passing prodcut-id as a value column and product_name as a visible column. i want to dispaly what ever selected filter value along with the report. i dragged parameetr product_id into detail band but it is dispalying product_id as it is referencing value column as product_id. please help if you have any thoughts on this on how to show visible column instead of value column in the report . any jasper server customization needed ,please let me know. thanks in advace chandrasekhar
  11. Hi, i recently encountered jasper server login error. after successful installation i treid to login using jasperadmin/jasperadmin credentials but it's not showing the display well. 1)all menus and optins are in plain text format. 2) login page itself is not up ,saying there is something wrong with the themes but i have not changed anything in the config files. 3) i was able to login but manage menu is not showing up,showing error 54321,contact system administor and the time jopne is problem. i have identifed solution for the third pint that jasper is not showing al the things properly when u login with default time jone. but when i changed to en-english and america/newyprk it showed manage menu and the jasperserver is running fine. if anybody is still facing this timejone and 54321 error, change the time jone and login. thanks
  12. Hi all, i have a very peculiar requirement i think. i have data like below from a query buildname severity no of defects R1 sev1 5 R1 sev2 6 R2 sev3 8 R2 sev4 7 R3 sev1 4 R3 sev2 2 now i want to display category expression as below | y-axis | Value axis | | | | ------------------------------------------------- sev1 sev2 | sev3 sev4 | sev1 sev2 R1 | R2 | R3 X-axis Category expression how to represent the sub categorys under main categort R1 ,R2,R3 in the Category expression. i am breaking my head on this but i am not even getting closer to it. anybody have any clue on this. please reply me urgent, sorry for using the word urgent but i need to use Thanks alot waiting for ur reply
  13. thanks for the reply when i browse using https it is showing url cannot be identified
  14. Hi i am also haing the label values display in barchart. my chart intervals are 0-25,25-50 and if the value is 5 m not able to see that value in the bars. if i put intervals to 0-3 and something near to that value then i am getting the value displayed which is resulting me in a huge size of the chart. anyhelp would be greatly appreciated. thanks much waiting for ur reply
  15. Hi all, i want provide ssl configuaration for jasper. i am generatig keystore using keytool and then generating a cerificate and changes settings in server.xml file to login to the jasperserver using https. but still i am unable to access jasper using https protocol. can anybody please help me. i have attached keystore and .csr file. thanks much sekhar Code:in server.xml <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" keystoreFile="C:\mykeystore\mykeystore.jks" keystorePass="changeit" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />
  16. i have customized jasper cp 4.5 finally. able to craete menus and submenus and provide navigation to dashboards when clicking the sub menus.
  17. my requirement is to create 3 menus in js cp 4.5 apart from view manage. i was able to create three menus sm,tm and op. each will have 2 submenus rm,bm. when clicking submenu rm i was able to navigate to a jsp which will display dashboard. i have created rolessm,tm,op and users sm,tm,op and associated each user with corresponding role. but my problem is 1) when i am login with sm user name i am seeing all the menus home and view and sm,tm,op except manage. please help where do i need to configure things so that when i login with sm i should be able to see only sm menu . this should be done for other two users as well. 2) when i am clicking submenu i am getting the manu lables in the dashboard jsp as well. how can i avoid these menus coming into my jsp. i have attached files related to what i need a)jasperserver_messages.properties where i given the bundle key for menu lable b)actionmodel-navigation.xml which consists of menu definition c)actionmodel.primarynavigation.js where the navigation was defined for all the sub menus. d) attached a.jar it contains the controller classes. your help will be greatly appreciated as i am finding not much support for this jasper cp 4.5 customization thanks much
  18. Hi, I have created a role(test_role) and user(test_user), I want to show a Dashboard as soon as the user login to Jasper Server. I am going through the below link but not able to reach to my requirement. http://www.jaspersoft.com/how-set-role-based-jasperserver-home-pages#URI Can any body help me. Regards, Sekhar
  19. Hi, i want to see specific folders when login with the user i have created but i am getting all repository folders visible. i have created a role and a user and i want to see specific folders when login with user name i have created. please help me
  20. Hi all, i am doing role based authenticaion in the jasperreports 3.5 and i am adding the roles in applicationcontext-security.xml. when i restart the server it is throwing the error attached in the log file. please let me know ur thoughts on this.
  21. hi all, i have cutomized js3.5 like adding own menus and changing logos. my problem is i am redirecting to a jsp when i click a menu item. in that jsp i am defining frames to display different reports . problem is i am getting the logo and the menu items in each frame which i dont want. i have taken a jsp like main.jsp and commented on the table data which is getting the menus and image but the problem is if i create any report with input controls that report is not showing the pop when i click the menu. i have attched a jsp file and the files i have changed to get the menus for ur reference. please help me on this as soon as u can. thanks alot
  22. can we have input controls passed to a child report in jasperserver
  23. hi all, i am adding input controls through add input control option in edit . the thing is if i take filters while choosing the report from domain, in ireport it gives that filters as parametes but if i attach input controls externally it is not giving any paramets relating to those filters in ireport.that time i am creating parameters for in ireport for that and cascaaidng input control is working. but the issue is it is giving same report results even if we choose different set of input controls. can anyone help me in this regard thanks
  24. i got the same problem but i redesigned again and restarted the services it worked.
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