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Everything posted by katepassaro

  1. I was finally able to make this work - I added a rank into my query to rank each left column row arbitrarily - and then added a second "row" to the left of the crosstab, so the multiple values show up under the correct row and column.
  2. Hm.. Part of my plan was to identify the rank by type and month (left and top axi) and then use an evaluator expression in the crosstab itself to say, $V{Grid ValueMeasure} AND rank = 1 $V{Grid ValueMeasure} AND rank = 2 etc. But I'm lost on how to add in this extra measure piece in the expression - any ideas?
  3. I am trying to find an answer to this as well. I am trying to create a schedule of planned events - on the left axis is the type of event, across the top is the month in which it will occur - within the cell, I'd like to display all relevant values. They should be limited to no more then 3-4, so I am trying to devise a workaround to have 5 fixed values - and have them pull the highest row number, second highest row number, third highest etc etc. Does anyone else have another option for this?
  4. Oh, one more thing. We did not change anything having to do with the 'classpath' which I see now online should have been changed. Is this correct? Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
  5. I may or may not be posting this in the correct place - I apologize in advance if this is the incorrect forum. Our organization originally used ireports to design reports for openreports, which was integrated with a sourceforge application. Those reports were running fine. More recently, reports were developed on a newer JasperReports version 4.0.1 - and those reports would not work when uploaded (even straight reports with no parameters used as testing.) but the older reports still ran. To triage the issue: 1. Added this JAR file "ojdbc14-10.2.0.jar" to this path: tomcat/webapps/openreports/WEB-INF/lib-This still allowed the old reports to work, but not the new reports. 2. Added the following files to the same path: Jasperreports-javaflow-4.0.1.jar ,jasperreports-4.0.1.jar, jasperreports-applet-4.0.1.jar, jasperreports-fonts-4.0.1.jar. Now we are unable to run all reports, including the previously successful reports, and are receiving the below message: Do we need to remove previous version jasper jar files? Are we putting them in the correct place? Error creating report: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseStaticText to field net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseLineBox.boxContainer of type net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRBoxContainer in instance of net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseLineBox
  6. Hi Aitor - Thanks so much for your response, i will try this in my scenario. Hi David - Thank you for chiming in as well. I was under the assumption that case/when statements weren't allowed because of sql injection fears?
  7. Hello - I have a functioning report with groups - one of the group headers in the database is saved as "---" when it's left as blank. Clearly data clean-up is needed there, but for the time being, I'd like to have those show up as something else. I know I cannot do an if->then statement inside of ireports, but can anyone think of another way to specify that for that specific field, if the result is "---" then show "undefined" or as null?
  8. I found this in the archives - it works! SELECT * FROM Trace WHERE (MODULE = $P{MODULE} or $P{MODULE} is null or $P{MODULE} = '')
  9. I just *days* searching for this - thank you so much!
  10. Hello - I have a very straight forward report with a query to identify a parameter, then the parameter is passed into a data set for a table. I am attempting to amend the parameter to accept one entry, or leave blank for all - so I found that this works: The problem is that when I run the report with the table, it's passing the blank parameter into the dataset for the table and replicating all of the data thousands of time. Does this make sense? Kate Code:WHEREtable.column1 >= nvl($P{PassedParameter},table.column1)
  11. I'm using this as well... Code: Edit: Sorry - didn't see to VARCHAR2... was going to string... Post Edited by katepassaro at 05/05/2011 17:16
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