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  1. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Aslam o Alikum, How are you? Have any one expample of IncrementerFactory Class
  2. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Asslam o Aliku, Dear Giulio, Thanks for your idea, Let me try it.
  3. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Aslam o Alikum, Dear Giulio, How are you? my problem is that suppose i have customers as my rows and months as my columns and in cells i want to show "order no" in the cell. againt each customer in a month. A customer can place multiple orders in a month. so againt each customer and month multiple records are expected in the cell portion. It is working fine in Oracle 9i Reports Developer. but not in iReport 1.2.3. Have you any solution for that. or any other approach for it. Take Care Allah Hafiz Nasir Zeeshan.
  4. with the name of Allah, the most beneficial, the most merciful Asslam o Alikum, I have a iReport 1.2.3 crosstab report, against each row and column multiple records are expected in cell field. But currently cell field only display last record from multiple records. Any Solution of it. Take Care Allah Hafiz Nasir Zeeshan.
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