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  1. Вибачте! Я не розумію
  2. jdbc:mysql://"this should be the ip of your website" ex: jdbc:mysql:// if it does not work, maybe jdbc only runs on localhost :(
  3. Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) If the above error occurs even when you have not specified a password, it means that you have an incorrect password. try: jdbc:mysql://www.mysite.eu/namedb?user=bobo&password=putaragis123
  4. Code:Lorem ipsum quo eu elit utamur, sed velit repudiandae ea, eu prompta mediocritatem his. Viderer moderatius et pri, his at solum eripuit mentitum. Ei vim verear dolores scaevola, duo takimata platonem ea. Has ea propriae omnesque, has interesset temporibus at, altera maiorum per ex. Sint abhorreant interpretaris eu has, qui latine utroque officiis eu. Exerci dolorem facilis id nam. Nec ei nemore debitis eleifend, harum omnes eos in, everti partiendo scripserit mei ne. Per ad magna ceteros sententiae, te munere signiferumque ius, vero nemore ex vim. Veri nonumy voluptua nec eu. In duo odio appetere percipitur, latine commodo reprimique eam in. Id aliquam fierent mediocritatem quo.
  5. if the dates are formatted as unix you can also use FROM_UNIXTIME($P{date_parameter},'%Y-%m-%d') and use SQL BETWEEN or operands such as >= <= to sort reports according to dates.
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