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  1. maybe this is the real problem. but how I can resolve it? is possible to use iReports on my PC and connect to a database on a server? I think yes, but I'm not sure.
  2. I'll try now! jdbc:mysql://www.mysite.eu/namedb?user=bobo&password=putaragis123 like this?: jdbc:mysql://www.mysite.eu/mynamedb?user=myuser&password=mypw (bold are the change that I have made). This is the error: SQL problems: Access denied for user 'myuser'@'IP' (using password: YES) jdbc:mysql://www.mysite.eu/mynamedb?user=myuser&password=mypw The problem is that in the error message the IP are my pc ip and not the ip of my hosting :( thank you Post Edited by mad at 02/02/2011 09:34 Post Edited by mad at 02/02/2011 09:41
  3. thank you very much for your help :) this is the error message that I receive with this settings: General problem: null Please check your username and password. The DBMS is running?! the pw is correct. :)
  4. Hi can you please tell me some links for resolve my problem? I really don't know how I can use the DB on my website. My helpdesk tell me that ireport try to connect to the DB with my IP Thank you mad
  5. Hi all, I have install iReport and iI try to connect to a databese hosting to my web site. But I receive some error. I have choose "database JDBC connection, and then: - Test - MySQL (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) - jdbc:mysql://www.mysite.eu/mydb_name - http://mysite.eu - datbase name click on wizard - username db - mypassword I receive this error: SQL problems: Access denied for user 'dbuser'@'ip' (using password: YES) jdbc:mysql://www.mysite.eu/namedb How can I resolve it? Thank you for your help :) cheers Post Edited by mad at 01/15/2011 16:08
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