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Posts posted by ernestoo

  1. Yes, you will need to publish your report to JasperReports Server, then you can access it a few different ways:

    1. Directly on the server's web interface using iFrames so report.html/reportPath?parameter1=value1 that kind of thing
    2. Using REST API
    3. Using visualze.js


  2. That's an interesting one - I dont see a feature request logged internally for it - feel free to file a support case and they would file it for you. Generally there would be some work in javascript and some work in the jrxml "translator" as well for this to work. I'm sure our capable PS group can also help here

  3. There are many ways you can do this:

    • Of course, you can add WHERE Country = FRANCE to the query or a filterExpression 
    • With the printwhenexpression you are probably needing to set the evaluation time of the expression to something other than "Now" - try "Report"
  4. Yep, the filterExpression is handy for this - here's sectin from the JasperReports Ultimate Guide - page 116 (http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-library-ultimate-guide)



    Sometimes it is useful to have a way to filter out records from the data source. When SQL queries are used, the filtering is usually done through the WHERE clause of the query.

    But when reporting data comes from a data source that is not already filtered, or when preprocessing the data would require significant overhead, JasperReports offers an easy way to eliminate unwanted records based on a Boolean expression.

    Listing 8-6 gives the JRXML syntax for the data filter.

    Listing 8-6. JRXML Syntax

      <!ELEMENT filterExpression (#PCDATA)>

    The <filterExpression> (if present) is evaluated immediately after moving the record pointer to the next record in the data source. The evaluation is performed using field and variable values corresponding to the new record. If the result of the evaluation is Boolean.TRUE, then the record gets processed by the report-filling engine. If the result is null or Boolean.FALSE, then the current record will be skipped and the data source pointer will be moved to the following record.

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