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Everything posted by chelorossel

  1. Hi, I wonder if you could solve this.I have the same problem. Chelo
  2. When change 'call' for 'exec' in the Store Procedure, throws this error Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 26: PLS-00302: component 'CLFWEB_JASPERCALL' must be declared Someone can help me please ......
  3. Hi , When execute some store procedure in IReport, gives me this error ...... Error filling print... OUT paramater used in non-stored procedure call : CURSOR_IR class java.sql.ResultSet The Cursor is define in package like 'Ref Cursor' Anyone know why throws this error Thanks MRD
  4. Hello all, I want to know, if is possible call some Store Procedure Oracle that return one cursor, all this from Ireport Thanks Chelo
  5. Hey ho lets go ...... Now it works perfect men .... many really thanks Chelo
  6. I assigned the value of the new variable to a parameter and gives me null ..... And how to return the value of the variable from subreport ??? Chelo
  7. Hi all, Someone know if is possible, change some parameter of main report from a subreport. thanks, Chelo
  8. Hi all, Anyone know if you can associate a Groups to the result of a dataset. thanks, Chelo
  9. Hi, I have 30 subreport in a main report. These subreports are different only its title So the idea is to have only a subreport that is parametric, but I have to create 30 parameters for each subreports Regards, Chelo
  10. Hi all, I have a main report that contains multiple subreport Anyone know, it is possible to duplicate one of the subreport using the same template but with different parameters. Thanks Chelo
  11. Hello, I have a process and want to run a report through a shell Can someone help Thanks Chelo
  12. Carl, helped me a lot your comment I'm seeing the list Thanks a lot Chelo
  13. chelorossel


    Hi all, Could someone tell me where to find an example of how to use LIST I have not the ultimate guide iReport thanks
  14. Hello, Anyone know how to create a table style like the attached image, which has no intermediate lines. Thanks and Regards, Chelo
  15. Hi How to solve this problem, I have the same problem Chelo
  16. Hi can you attach your code to see ??? I have the same problem but mine is worse, my subreports are putting one over the other Thanks Chelo
  17. Thanks Carl, I tell you that I tried to use the "lists", but dont work only recognized the $F{field} of ONE associated Dataset I hope your help, I don't have the iReport "Ultimate Guide" Chelo
  18. I've never used lists, I'll try. thanks.
  19. how can I have multiple queries in a report thanks Chelo
  20. I need to introduce the result of a query into a rectangle, but I repeat for each row of the query attached image thks Chelo
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