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  1. Hi I just want to ask you something about the list subtotals. Do you print the subtotal for each list at the last row. Because I have the same report, I use a lot of lists, I print each list data in a group, then I need to print the subtotal of a column in the list, but it always appears at the first row. Thank you.
  2. Hello Chelo You need to make every element after a report float. There is a property called Position Type for each element. When its set to float, it floats down and does not overlap the previous element. Hope this helps.
  3. ieliibrahim Wrote: Dear All IReport Developers I have been working on a report, which contains a lot of subreports. I am using the List component to display data, because I have 14 different queries which must retreive data. Any way, the problem is that: if a page in IReport viewer (internal, pdf, excel) can display 30 records on a page, and I have 40 records, one record is always missing when the second page starts. For example the last record on the first page is 30, the second page starts with the 32 record, although it must display 31 then continue. I tried it with a very simple list and the same things happens, when a new page starts, there is always a missing record. You can solve this problem by ignoring paginiation in the report properties, but I need the page numbers to be displayed. So can any one please, show me an example of a report which can display all records in a list. Thank you, and if you have any questions about iReport please let me know if I can help.
  4. Dear All IReport Developers I have been working on a report, which contains a lot of subreports. I am using the List component to display data, because I have 14 different queries which must retreive data. Any way, the problem is that: if a page in IReport viewer (internal, pdf, excel) can display 30 records on a page, and I have 40 records, on record is always missing when the second page starts. For example the last record on the first page is 30, the second page starts with the 32 record, although it must display 31 then continue. I tried it with a very simple list and the same things happens, when a new page starts, there is always a missing record. You can solve this problem by ignoring paginiation in the report properties, but I need the page numbers to be displayed. So can any one please, show me an example of a report which can display all records in a list. Thank you, and if you have any questions about iReport please let me know if I can help.
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