I am trying to display a report on a webpage using JavaServer Faces (JSF). I can create the report without a problem, I can even export the .pdf file to the appropriate directory. I cannot get the webpage to wait for the file to be created before trying to display it. The way I am displaying the report is in a <h:panelGrid>, the rendered attribute is linked to a boolean variable in the backing bean. The boolean tests whether the file is created, and returns true when the file is created. My problem is that, despite the boolean check, when the panel gets displayed and tries to access the report from the directory location, it returns an HTTP 404 file not found error. If I run the program in debug mode, with a breakpoint at the method that checks the file and returns the boolean variable, that slight pause seems to be enough to allow the report to be written to the directory and it gets read and rendered on the screen no problem. I have tried to implement delays in my program, even having the program wait a few seconds before returning the bolean to display the <h:panelGrid>, but I still get the error. Is there some way in JasperReports to verify that the report is written and located in the appropriate directory before moving on to the display method? Thanks.