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Posts posted by gdmoreno

  1.  Hmmm, interesting. Could it be the version of the software you're using to open the ODT file? I was able to export a report with a graphic to the ODT format, and then I tried opening it in different environments:

    - This works: Windows 7, Open Office 3.4

    - This doesn't work: Ubuntu 12.04, Open Office 3.5

    Also, I saw that Flash-based charts won't export and will leave a big gray area in the document.


  2. Hi, you get the " Warning: Element bottom reaches outside band area" message when the chart element is bigger than the dimensions of the band. So try stretching down the summary band so that the line chart element fits inside the Summary band.

    You can make the Summary band bigger by pulling down the bottom edge of Summary band. Or you could select the Summary band in the Report Inspector, and set the "band height" property to a higher value.


  3. Happy to see that you're considering JasperReports Server! I think you could download and install the product on your PC (it comes with an installer), and then start poking around in there. The installer will set up JasperReports Server and the components it needs: the Tomcat application server, the Postgres database and Java. That'll give you a better sense of the how it works. To answer your questions:

    1. Yes. JasperReports is a web application that runs on an application server. The application server itself can run on your PC, a hosted server, or somewhere in the Cloud. Tomcat is the most commonly used application server, and it's the one that the installer sets up for you. End users log into JasperReports Server via a browser.

    2. I'm not sure I understand your question. With JasperReports Server, you'll always need to run it within an application server, there's no way around that. If you decide to use a hosted server, you'll need to make sure it has Java, you'll need to set up Tomcat on it, and install a database.

    3. JasperReports Server needs Java to run. You'll need JDK 1.6 at least. If your hosted server doesn't have Java available, then you'll need to set it up there somehow, or find a host server that has it.


  4.  The way to disable serializing session is to modify the context.xml at the Tomcat level. If you look at the  [TOMCAT_HOME]/conf/context.xml file, you'll see:

        <!-- Uncomment this to disable session persistence across Tomcat restarts -->


        <Manager pathname="" />


    When you uncomment it, you'll stop getting those stack traces when you restart Tomcat.
  5.  It's interesting that you're getting this error in your stack trace: "com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.report.resource.already.exists.no.overwrite"

    In the output settings screen (the second step when scheduling jobs), did you activate the "sequential file names" option? I would try that, and leave the default value, which appears as "(default)".

    The error suggests that the server is trying to write a report but then doesn't because it found the same report name already there. By adding the sequential file names option, you're at least getting rid of that possibility.



  6. After you start Tomcat, do you see an error in your browser, when logging into JasperReports Server? Do you see the normal login screen?

    I ask because Tomcat's default behavior when it shuts down is to persist the contents of user sessions, so that when it restarts, the sessions are re-established. JasperReports Server doesn't serialize its user sessions, which is why you get the stack traces you see. That is not a problem since new sessions will be created when users start interacting with the system via the browser.


  7. I think there's a bug in there, so I can offer you two workarounds:

    - Create a JNDI entry for your database connection (create another Resource entry in context.xml, which is under the META-INF directory). This will allow you to reference the driverClassName you need for your connection, and JasperReports Server won't do a check on the driver class name. Then when you restart the server, all you need to do is create a JNDI datasource, where you reference the JNDI entry.

    - if you really do need a JDBC datasource, find the security.properties file (it's under WEB-INF/classes/esapi), and find the line that starts with:


    - then change it to:


    the second parameter is the rule that gets enforced when filling in a value for that driver class field. You can see those rules in the validation.properties file (same directory as security.properties). You'll see that they're based on regular expression patterns. By changing the rule to AlphaNumUnderscore, you're telling the system to accept alpha-numerics and underscores for that field.

    - after you've made the change, restart the server.

    - This is where you might see the bug. If you CREATE the entry with the underscore, then it might complain again, even though you just modified the rule. But, if you're MODIFYING a previously created datasource, it won't complain when you change the driver classname to include an underscore.

    I would suggest that you go for the JNDI solution, because the other big benefit you get is that Tomcat will then manage the database connection pool instead of JasperReports Server. App servers like Tomcat are much better at managing DB connection pools.


  8. I'm not familiar with Oracle apps, but the way you describe it, it sounds like there's a front-end (via a browser?), with a server backend, where users can use the various Oracle applications. It also sounds like you have a reporting requirement that you're trying to fulfill with Jaspersoft products.

    First of all, you're taking the right approach by using iReport to design your reports. You'll have to connect it to an Oracle datasource. iReport is only a desktop application; you use it to design reports, and once you're satisfied with the reports (how they look and their contents), you need to deploy  the report to a server environment. In your server environment, you won't need iReport.

    At the server level, you have a couple of choices. You can either deploy the JasperReports library to the server, and your server will use the library to fill and output the reports. You would be responsible for building the report functionality and using the JasperReports APIs to compile the reports you built in iReport, filling them with data, and returning the finished report in the right format to the user.

    Your other choice is to simply set up JasperReports Server, which is a standard Java web application, and integrate your Oracle apps with JasperReports Server. You can do this in many ways (such as web services or IFrame integration), and you get the advantage of getting server functionality (such as scheduling reports, OLAP, email integration, etc) in addition to the JasperReports library.



  9. I'm assuming that you want you use iReport to develop reports that use Oracle as a datasource. For that, you will need to use the professional edition of the product, which has certified support for Oracle as a datasource. The community edition of iReport doesn't officially support Oracle, only PostgreSQL.

    To test drive the commercial version of iReport, I suggest you download the commercial server edition (which comes contains the professional version of iReport) from http://www.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-business-intelligence-software-trial.


  10.  It could be a couple of things:

    - not enough memory for iReport - you can configure how much memory the JVM for it uses by editing the ireport.conf file, which you can find under the etc directory. Edit the default_options parameter, and modify the -Xms and -Xmx values to something higher, like 1024m. The MaxPermSize could be lower too, maybe just 128m.

    - Windows 7 - I also have a Windows 7 machine, it's 64-bit. I used to have problems with iReport too, until I changed the JDK. If your system is also 64-bit, I would suggest downloading JDK 1.7 (there's a specific 64-bit version), and modify the jdkhome variable in ireport.conf to point at JDK 1.7.

  11. Using the report inspector, select the top node, which is the report name. What you need to do next is modify the "Columns" property, and change it from the default value of 1. Change it to 3. At this point, your detail band will be divided into three areas. Next, drag the fields you want in your report to the left-most area in the details band.

    There's another property called "Print Order," which you can set to either "Horizontal" or "Vertical". If you set it to "Horizontal", then the results get printed left-to-right and top-to-bottom; "Vertical" prints it out top-to-bottom, left-to-right. Test it out with your data to see which one you prefer. From the way you describe your problem, it sounds like you want "Horizontal."


  12.  Hmm. Interesting.

    When you try to add a Database JDBC connection, and when you look at the drop-down list of JDBC drivers, does the entry for net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver appear in black text or red text? (Red means it can't find it in the classpath).

    Also, how did you add the JAR file to the classpath? I added that JAR file using Tools->Options->Classpath and then I added the JAR there, and that works for me. Is this what you did too? (I tested this on Ubuntu 12.04, iReport 4.6, using the jtds-1.2.5.jar on the Sourceforge.)


  13. I remember getting a similar error when I zipped up the theme files incorrectly. I would check that the zip file with your theme files is properly structured.

    Extract your ZIP file to a temp directory, and make sure that there isn't a folder at the root level of the ZIP file. At the root level, you should see CSS files, and if it exists, an images subfolder.

  14.  Welcome!

    JasperReports Server will run on your Windows SP3 machine, so if you start by running the installer, it will install the other components it needs (Java 1.6, MySQL on the Community edition or Postgres on the commercial edition, Tomcat 6). Make sure to install the sample data (which will let you see finished reports) and iReport as well.

    You mentioned doing dashboards, which is functionality that's only available in the commercial edition, so take a look at that one too.

    Once you've set up your server environment, you can start experimenting with it. We have articles in the Jasperforge site about how to get started.

    There's also some handy videos that give you an overview of what JasperReports Server can do:

    http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperserverwebsite/JSJA%20Website/jasperserver_getting_started.html?header=project&target=jasperserver - gives overview of what you can do

    http://www.youtube.com/user/JaspersoftBISuite - our YouTube channel

     - A video on creating a report with iReport


  15. Using a database client like Squirrel, have you made sure that the query executes properly? What errors does iReport return?

    Another possibility would be to create a stored procedure. Then in iReport, you would just call the stored procedure. What database are you using?


  16. You'll find the ireportpro.conf file under [ireport_install_directory]\etc\ireportpro.conf. If you installed iReport with the installer, there's an ireport folder in the folder where you installed JasperReports Server.

    There are two lines in that file that I would change:

    Uncomment out the jdk home setting, and point it explicity to where you've installed th 64-bit JDK 1.7. Change it from:


    To something like what you see below:

    jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0"

    I would also change the "default_options" line from:

    default_options="-J-Xms24m -J-Xmx512m -J-Dorg.netbeans.ProxyClassLoader.level=1000 -J-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

    to something that gives the JVM running iReport more memory and a lower MaxPermSize value. An 

    default_options="-J-Xms1024m -J-Xmx1024m -J-Dorg.netbeans.ProxyClassLoader.level=1000 -J-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"


  17. The community edition doesn't have ad hoc reporting functionality. You get ad hoc reporting (all the items you mentioned), dashboards and multi-tenancy in the commercial edition of the product. You can download a trial version of the commercial edition, it comes with a 30-day trial license.


  18. I also have a 64-bit Windows 7 machine. I used to have problems with iReport but then I changed from JDK 1.6 to JDK 1.7 64-bit edition and my problems went away. You'll have to modify the ireport.conf file to specify the JDK you want iReport to use.

  19. Fortunately, it turns out that com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User is an interface, and com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.impl.client.MetadataUserDetails implements that interface.

    So all you have to do is import that User interface and change the code only a little, like what's below.

    // Import this interface, keep the other importsimport com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User;// Find this line: // username = ((MetadataUserDetails) auth.getPrincipal()).getUsername();// and put this in its placeusername = ((User) auth.getPrincipal()).getUsername();
  20.  Using the default theme, you can edit the pageSpecific.css file and add the lines below to disable the toolbar and the title bar.

    The problem with disabling the toolbar is that you also lose the "back" and "forward" arrow buttons, which you would need for a multi-page report. So if you know that you won't have multi-page reports, then you can go ahead and disable the toolbar entirely.

    Otherwise, you can choose to disable the title bar and the not display the "buttons labelled "back" and "export".


    /* To disable the toolbar and title bars */#reportViewer .header>.toolbar {    display : none;}#reportViewer .header>.title {    display : none;}/* try the style settings below to disable the title bar the back and export buttons */#reportViewer .header>.title {    display : none;}#reportViewer #back {    display : none;}#reportViewer #export {    display : none;}
  21.  Yes, you can call MS SQL stored procedures from iReport. When you deploy that report to the server, the server will execute the stored procedure and use the result set to fill in the report.

    here's the process:

    - create your stored procedure

    - in iReport, when defining the report query, choose plsql

    - in the query, write the call to the stored procedure by its name - <stored_procedure_name> [parameters]

    - You can preview the data that the procedure returns right there by hitting the "Refresh Preview Data"

    Once you've gotten to this point, you can go ahead and design the report in iReport as you normally would. When you're done and ready to deploy it to the server, you'll just use the repository navigator to upload it.


  22. Yes, you can aggregate data in the derived table as you tried, I just did an example using the Foodmart data that the product ships with. If you get an error (I also did), try running the query on a database client where you can debug your query.

    Views are a good option too, since you're asking the database rather than the application to do the data aggregation. This is good when you have lots of data to aggregate and prefer to lighten the server's load. There's always the option of creating a database table that stores the aggregated values, in which case you would have to periodically update the table values.

    And you are right that the Domain language (which is not SQL) doesn't have built-in aggregation functions. If you use the Domain Report approach in iReport, you'll just pull down all the data and use iReport's functionality to aggregate the data there.


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