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Posts posted by gdmoreno

  1. Although I couldn't find an example, I think that one approach would be to take advantage of JasperReports Server's web services functionality. I know that you can integrate web services call in Python, so that would be lightweight, loose coupling between the two. There's a web services guide under the docs folder where you installed JasperReports Server.

  2. Dane, what you found makes sense with what I found as well, some security checks are configurable, while others are hard-coded. The DefaultReportJobValidator class gets used by the defaultReportJobValidator bean in a Spring configuration file (applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml), so I suppose it would be straightforward enough to create your own validator class and swap out the one that's currently there. 

  3.  Hi, you can do this by using the Image component (it's in the palette), and dragging it over to one of the report bands. Then, you're going to have to add an "Image Expression" (it's one of the properties for an Image; you can see the properties when you select the Image in the report).

    For the Image Expression, you can give it a value like: "http://myserver.com/images/example.jpg" (that would be a hard-coded image reference), or you can create that image expression with variables or parameters. You'll get the dynamic JPEG images you want by defining that image expression with variables and parameters.

  4.  Hi Asif,

    iReport lets you specify what to do in case the report can't find the image. There are three choices: "Error", "Blank", and "Icon". If you have "Error", then the report errors out and won't generate anything (that sounds like what's going on with your situation). "Blank" means that it will leave that area of the report blank, and generate the rest of the report. "Icon" puts a placeholder icon in there, in place of the missing image.

    Open up the report in iReport, then select the image, and then look at the properties window. There's an image property called "On Error Type". Set the value to "Blank", and then re-upload the report to the server and test. I hope that helps, good luck!


  5.  It's complaining about "Attribute 'uuid' is not allowed to appear in element 'jasperReport'."

    Since you're using iReport 4.6 on JasperReports Server 4.5, I would try setting the iReport compability to JasperReports 4.5, and then re-save your report, and then upload it again to the server using the repository navigator.

    You can set the compatibility by going to "Tools -> Options" then choosing the "iReport" button at the top, then the "General -> Compatibility" tab. Choose JasperReports 4.5.0 from the drop-down list, and see what happens.

  6. This may sound weird, but try it, just to see. So you've already modified the Validator regex. First try saving a schedule with an email that doesn't have a '+'. Then open it up again, and add the '+" sign back in. Do you still get the error message?

    (I'm suggesting this because that's how I dealt with a Validator issue on a different screen, and that worked).

  7. I tried a couple of different ways, I couldn't get it to do it. You could try running two similar versions of iReport, that works. For example, I have versions 4.5.1 and 4.6, and I'm able to run both those at the same time. So that suggests if you want to run the same version, you may to re-install it but set it up in a different directory. Is there a particular reason you need to run more than one instance of iReport?

  8. Ok! It sounds like you haven't got much more to go. It's a good sign you got the "Build Successful" message after running the install script.

    Since the install script doesn't actually start up your application server (I'm assuming you're using Tomcat), first make sure that you've started it up, and then hit the http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro landing page.

    If you got the error after starting up the server, what did the server log say? You can check the server log under [TOMCAT_HOME]/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log.


  9. Hi, gr33nhat. Thanks for clarifying that you're using the community edition. Unfortunately, the community edition doesn't come with the database creation scripts for MS SQL. You would have to take the database creation scripts for MySQL or Postgres and port them yourself to MS SQL. I searched on the forums and found these topics that say the same thing:


    MS SQL and JS CE  - http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/539193/mssql-and-js-ce

    MSSQL database schema's and data - http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/532474/mssql-database-schemas-and-data

    Installing JasperServer (3.5.0-CE) on MSSQLServer? - http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/528952/installing-jasperserver-350-ce-mssqlserver

    I would suggest that if at this stage you're just testing the product, continue using the postgressql database as the repository. Having it as a repository won't stop you from using MS SQL Server as a datasource for your reports.
    The advantage of this approach is that you can go ahead and test the product functionality, and worry about the MS SQL problem only when you're ready to move forward with JasperReports Server. At that point, you can either move to the professional version, or concentrate on porting the database creation scripts for use with MS SQL Server (if you decide to stay with the community edition).


  10. Hi, gr33nhat. If you're using the professional edition of JasperReports Server, you can backup your postgres database using the export script under the buildomatic directory. This will export the repository data that JasperReports Server needs to run, and it will export it in a database-neutral way.

    Then you would have to configure your default_master.properties file (also under the buildomatic directory) to point at your MS SQL database. You would then have to run the buildomatic scripts that create and populate the repository database that JasperReports Server will need.

    Once that's done, you would then import the repository file you backed up previously into your new MS SQL database. All these steps are documented in the installation guide.

    Regarding the second question, that's also explained in the installation guide.

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