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Everything posted by cmoraes

  1. Hi Massimo, I found out the problem is ,in fact, the proxy of my company and Eclipse that it's not able to download the plugin through this proxy. I tried many solutions I found on internet but nothing worked. Anyway, it's not a problem with the link of plugin. So, thanks for your help and sorry for any trouble.Regards, Cristiano
  2. Hi, Eclipse installation was my first choice, but didn't work. It starts download plugin but stop at 10% getting there forever. I had to kill eclipse to exit it. So I tried see if this link works at some browser because links of other plugins, I can see at least site.xml. Regards, Cristiano
  3. The link to JasperSoft Studio Eclipse plug-in is not working. When I try connect to http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/ I'm getting 403 error.
  4. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous Hi,Actually I'm using 5.2 (for 64 bits Windows). I should to be more clear about it in my description, sorry.Anyway, Let's wait for JSS 5.5.Thank you for your help.Regards,Cristiano
  5. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 Here are the files.
  6. It´'s done http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/3243
  7. Hi, I've add my application jars at Java Build Path/Libraries and Dataset. Query Dialog is able to read my classes fields but some of these fields type are another classes at the same package at the same jars. If I set a TextField with one of these fields whose type is one of my class when I build project I get ClassNotFoundException error. What I'm doing wrong? Why 'Java Build Path/Libraries and Dataset' can read my classes but Jasper Builder can't ? I'm using Jasper Studio 5.2 standalone. If I was not clear enough, please, ask me to clarify. English is not my native language. Regards, Cristiano
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