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Everything posted by jbariel

  1. Wondering if you ever got anywhere with this? Thanks
  2. I created a Samba share and can now access the sample files located on the server. I guess I can now access files on a network share on our Windows File server as well so I can keep all the reports in one standard location as well.
  3. Jasperserver IS on a linux machine. It is installed on a Server running Ubunutu Server 10 so the path is /opt/jasperserver-ce-3.7.0/samples/reports/AllAccounts.jrxml which I cannot browse to from windows. I am trying to access it through the web interface and through Ireports on a Windows XP machine. Post Edited by jbariel at 09/15/2010 21:03 Post Edited by jbariel at 09/15/2010 21:04
  4. I just installed Jasper Server 3.7.0 on an Ubunutu machine and I am running through the User's Guide (I canonly find v. 3.5.0 guide). I am logging into the web interface from a Windows XP machine. I try to create the first example report through the Report Wizard, but it wants me to browse to a file on the Linux server to choose the AllAccounts.jrxml. Obviously this doesn't work. Am I going to have to setup a samba share for this type of installation to work? I have also previously installed iReports on this Windows machine and will need it to access the JasperServer. Is there a guide describing the best practices for setting up JasperServer (running on Linux) to be accessed from Windows Computers? Thanks Jason Post Edited by jbariel at 09/14/2010 23:36
  5. Since this was a fresh install, I just reinstalled Ubuntu, and used the built in Tomcat and Mysql and it is working.
  6. I recently installed (several times) Jasperserver 3.7.0 in a new virtual machine running Ubuntu 10.04.1. I installed mysql and tomcat when installing Ubuntu, so I used existing Tomcat and MYSQL when installing Jaserserver. Installation seems to have gone fine, but I get 404 error when browsing to http://hostname:8080/jasperserver/. Tomcat and Apache seem te be running fine as http://hostname:8080 and http://hostname return appropriate "It Works" pages. I did discover when trying to start or stop the Tomcat server that it errored saying server.xml and catalina.out were missing. Creating /usr/share/tomcat6/logs/catalina.out solved that error and it started writing logs there. I created /conf/server.xml and started receiving unexpected file end errors, so I then copied the server.xml file from /etc/tomcat6 which did away with the error, and I could start and stop tomcat without errors. None of it resolved the 404 issue though, and the 404 error seems to not even detect the jasperserver source: description The requested resource () is not available. The catalina.out text is below. I read somewhere I might need to copy the JDBC driver to a tomcat folder? not sure which folder or where to get the driver files. Thanks Jason Code: Post Edited by jbariel at 09/10/2010 14:56
  7. Seems replace(regexp, replacetext) does not with the wildcards, but replaceAll(regexp, replacetext) does.
  8. I have a field that returns the full username from our IM server. The user name is in the format username@server/program. I would like the returned value to be limited to just the "username". Here is the expression I am using: $F{ofMessageArchive_A_fromJID}.replace("@.*","") This fails to replace anything. However, if I use: $F{ofMessageArchive_A_fromJID}.replace("@server/program","") it works just fine. is . or * not the correct wildcard in the explression editor? I've also tried single quotes, and escaping the @. I'm sure there are other methods to do this and I could do it in the SQL query, but mainly I need to know what wildcards work for future use. Thanks Code: Post Edited by jbariel at 08/24/2010 17:40
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